ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

1. misteria

2. tajemnice zob. także [ [mystery] ]

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Hofstadter is very fond of Cope's remark that "Good artists borrow, great artists steal," though he is troubled that some of the mysteries of the creative process might be lost along the way, and with them a part of our understanding of what it means to be human. Cope, for his part, retains all of his sense of wonder at the composers â?? geniuses of recombination â?? who have gone before. Does he still dream of creating a masterpiece? I wonder.
"I have supported research into the cause and treatment of multiple sclerosis for many years now â?? but when I first saw the proposal for this clinic, I knew that I had found a project more exciting, more innovative, and, I believe, more likely to succeed in unravelling the mysteries of MS than any other I had read about or been asked to fund," the author said.
As far as possible, our common spaces are going to be places where pupils and teachers mix naturally. We will have as few mysteries and no-go areas as we can get away with. Both sides learn that the other can be quite good company, and the presence of teachers cuts down on casual bullying. Teachers will be encouraged to eat with pupils as often as possible. Beadle writes: "Given that school dinners are repulsive mulch you wouldn't feed to a pig, a child wolfing them down enthusiastically with snaffling relish will tell you something very important about that child: that they are not properly looked after, and you must take special care of them in lessons."
There's something quite refreshing about Brydon's lack of ambition. He says the sorts of things that most people won't actually say, even if they're true. That he's been "a bit of a money whore". His reputation in his family is that he works all the time and does loads of corporate gigs "because I got divorced, and that had certain financial implications". And how he doesn't seem, well, as bothered about work as some of his contemporaries. He shrugs, and on his face is the sort of slightly quizzical expression that Uncle Bryn might use when confronted with the limitless mysteries of the universe. "I just don't seem to care as much."
She was found guilty in February. But the trial, which concentrated on the events in Afghanistan, did little to illuminate the wider mysteries of Siddiqui's story.
"Now, you don't really feel that way," Violent J says. "You don't really hate her mom. But for this moment when you're trying to fuck this girl, fuck her! And that's what we mean when we say fuck scientists. Sometimes they kill all the cool mysteries away. When I was a kid, they couldn't tell you how pyramids were madeâ??"
Engaging autobiography is fascinating for anyone who has grappled with the mysteries and beauties of Arabic
Still, this engaging autobiography is fascinating and fun for anyone who has grappled with the mysteries and beauties of Arabic and wants to hear from an expert practitioner how teaching methods have evolved in recent years.
In the aftermath of his wife's death, followed by the suicide of his lover, Assia Wevill, Hughes himself went to ground, living in Devon, writing about the mysteries of nature and keeping his counsel. It did not do him much good. "My silence seems to confirm every accusation and fantasy," he once wrote. With Promethean stoicism, he held his ground. "I preferred [silence], on the whole, to allowing myself to be dragged out into the bullring and teased and pricked and goaded into vomiting up every detail of my life with Sylvia".
But there remain those who reject that. The BBC Shropshire website quotes her nephew Robert Green: "Having sat through the trial of Andrew George, I am satisfied his conviction was unsafe ... Since the trial I have found evidence that others were involved." In a secretive country like Britain, mysteries die hard.

Just another American who watched too many mysteries as a child?
Jeszcze jeden amerykanin kto obejrzał zbyt wiele zagadek jako dziecko?

Well, that, my friends, is just one of the mysteries.
Cóż, przyjaciele, to jedna z tych tajemnic.

No, but it is a mystery. And all mysteries are the same.
Nie, ale to jest tajemnica, a wszystkie tajemnice są takie same...

I present to you a man who has unlocked these mysteries.
Dziś wieczorem, panie i panowie... przedstawiam wam człowieka, który rozwiązał te tajemnice...

What would the oracle say about the mysteries of my love life?
Co powiedziałaby twoja wyrocznia o tajemnicach mojego życia miłosnego?

Look, God made life with all its mysteries for us to decipher.
Spójrz, Bóg stworzył życie z wszelkimi jego sekretami, abyśmy je mogli odkrywać.

What mysteries of the deep have you come to tell me, o sea monster?
Jakie tajemnice z głęboko co tu przyszedłeś mi powiedzieć, O morski potwór?

It deals with the two great mysteries of creation: life and death.
Zajmuje się dwoma wielkimi tajemnicami stworzenia: życiem i śmiercią.

Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries.
Coś, czego nie dostał poprzednim razem. A jest to w Departamencie Tajemnic.

And this could be the key to solving one of nature's most profound mysteries.
A to mógłby być klucz do rozwiązania jednej z najgłębszych tajemnic natury.

I have to be a really useful engine and solve some mysteries instead.
Muszę być naprawdę przydatne silnika i rozwiązać kilka tajemnic zamiast.

You might say the mysteries of the Orient are no mystery to me.
Można powiedzieć, że Orient nie ma dla mnie tajemnic.

In England we make muddy mysteries of such things as if they were crimes.
W Anglii robi się z takich spraw tajemnice, jakby to było coś złego.

I know now that the Book with its mysteries must remain within the Church.
Teraz wiem, że Księga z jej tajemnicami musi pozostać w Kościele.

Perhaps we have only just scratched the surface of our planet's underground mysteries.
Możliwe, że jedynie zadrapaliśmy powierzchnię podziemnych tajemnic naszej planety.

It shows you everything about life on Earth... but the true mysteries remain.
Pokaże ci wszystko o życiu na Ziemi... ale prawdziwe tajemnice pominie.

All mysteries are not miracles, not even in this religion.
Żadne tajemnice nie są cudami, nawet w tej religii.

Learning its mysteries and experiencing it not just for himself, but for humanity.
Odkrywał jego tajemnice doświadczając ich nie tylko dla siebie, ale także dla ludzkości.

Who knows what mysteries will be solved in our lifetime...
Kto wie, jakie tajemnice uda nam się rozwiązać za naszego życia...

Now, I'd lay low, 'cause I love life and its infinite mysteries.
Ja bym się przyczaił, bo kocham życie i jego nieskończone tajemnice.

Why did the stupid Hardly Boys have to be so good at solving mysteries?
Czemu chłopcy Hardly muszą być tacy dobrzy w rozwiązywaniu zagadek? Chwilunia.

Has our ability to unravel the mysteries of rainbows made them any less miraculous?
Czy nasza umiejętność rozwikłania tajemnic tęczy czyni ją mniej cudowną?

There's always Dot and her kitty cat's medical mysteries.
Zawsze pozostaje Dot i medyczne tajemnice jej kota.

Like Cosimo's portrait, is it possible this tomb contains secret mysteries?
Czy to możliwe, że ten grobowiec, tak jak portret Kosma, zawiera pewne ukryte tajemnice?

Sayuri is one of the mysteries of the orient I told you about.
Sayuri, jest jedną z tajemnic orientu o których ci opowiadałem.

Mysteries gives you what the airwaves have failed to
Tajemnice 911 dają ci to w czym media zawiodły.

The mysteries of happiness, death and love.
Tajemnic szczęścia, śmierci i miłości.

I'm a man of many mysteries.
Jestem facetem z wieloma tajemnicami.

If all the mysteries were solved and it told that I'm Kira...
Jeśli wszystko by się wyjaśniło i jeśli powiedziałbym, że jestem Kira...

They miss the Latin litanies and mysteries.
Będzie im brakowało łacińskich litanii i tajemnic.

Mysteries just find you, don't they?
Tajemnice właśnie cię znalazły, nieprawdaż?

One of life's great mysteries.
Jedna z wielkich zagadek życia.

Who can possibly unravulate their mysteries?
Kto może prawdopodobnie unravulate ich tajemnice?

This girl is lost amid your mysteries...
Ta dziewczyna zgubiła się wśród twych tajemnic...

Besides, I love solving mysteries.
Poza tym, uwielbiam rozwiązywać tajemnice.

Mysteries in History, with your host, Peter Graves.
Zagadki Historii, prowadzi Peter Graves.

Penic erection was one of the many unsolved evolutionary mysteries of sexuality.
Erekcja penisa była jedną z wielu... nierozwiązanych zagadek ewolucji dotyczących seksualności.

But his mysteries unfold slowly.
Lecz jego tajemnice odkrywa się powoli.

Mysteries that suggest we are all connected... that the physical universe is essentially nonphysical.
Tajemnice sugerujące, że wszyscy jesteśmy ze sobą połączeni, że istota świata fizycznego jest nie-fizyczna.

Science is better equipped today than ever - penetrate all apparent mysteries.
Nauka jest dziś lepiej wyposażona niż kiedykolwiek - przejrzeć wszystkie pozorne tajemnice.

And mysteries, once solved, are never quite as interesting... ...are they?
A tajemnice, raz rozwiązane, nie są tak interesujące... Prawda?

And we like the same things. Italian, skate punk, Robert Parker mysteries, fighting evil...
Lubimy te same rzeczy, włoskie jedzenie, wrotki, zagadki Roberta Parkera, walkę ze złem...

I'm not the type to believe in mysteries. -But I will believe in anything...
Nie jestem typem który wierzy w tajemnice. -ale ja uwierzę we wszystko...

it's just one of your unsolved mysteries.
to będzie jedna z nierozwiązanych spraw.

In tiny corners of space and time... scientists found unfathomable energy... and mind-numbing mysteries.
W zakamarkach przestrzeni i czasu naukowcy odkryli niezrozumiałą energię i oszałamiające tajemnice.

I say... ...that we are surrounded on all sides by mysteries, President Sheridan.
Powiem... że jesteśmy otoczeni z każdej strony przez tajemnice, prezydencie Sheridan.

So many stars, so many mysteries...
Tak wiele gwiazd, tak wiele tajemnic.

Joe DeRisi solves medical mysteries
Joe DeRisi rozwiązuje medyczne zagadki za pomocąViroScan

Your Dren turned out to be... ...a cauldron of unimaginable chemical mysteries.
Wasza Dren okazała się być jedną wielką chemiczną zagadką.

No conspiracies, no grand mysteries... puppet masters behind the scenes pulling the strings.
Żadnych spisków żadnych wielkich tajemnic... ... żadnych ukrytych mocodawców ciągnących za sceną za sznurki.