Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) złączony, wymieszany;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy




Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Outside Minty's, where beers being sold at 10 rand (less than Â?1) were being sunk by both sets of fans, cries of "USA, USA" mingled with the more familiar "In-ger-land".
Thaksin and several protest leaders were accused of terrorism in connection with shadowy gunmen who mingled with demonstrators and occasionally battled security forces on Bangkok's streets, raising the prospect of a country sliding into civil war.
Yet the atmosphere of debate here remains poisonous. Last week the Obama administration tried to get a court injunction to stop SB1070 coming into place, on the grounds that immigration was subject to federal law, not state law. Outside the Phoenix courthouse where the case was heard, gun-toting anti-immigrant protesters mingled angrily with students and community activists opposed to the law, who chanted "We will not comply!" Under the gaze of vigilant police there was an undercurrent of violence as shouting matches broke out. SB1070 supporter Dustin Greenwood held up a sign saying: "It is racist to allow some people to break the law based on the colour of their skin." A Hispanic woman approached him and shouted: "This a free country!" Greenwood glared at her and pointed at his sign. "Read that. Read that with your eyes," he yelled, adding: "I don't give a fuck what you think."
Buyers at the signing had to hand over bags and mobile phones before entering the store. Undercover detectives mingled with the crowds taking names before Blair arrived at about 10.30am.
New York City woke up yesterday to a 9/11 anniversary like no other. Blue skies hummed with the buzz of helicopters as police conducted a major operation to patrol two rival midday protests about Park51, the planned Islamic centre close to Ground Zero. The noise of the aircraft mingled with the sound of church bells ringing across Manhattan, marking the exact time that the first plane struck the World Trade Centre.
"That was so much fun!" said Beyonc?© after the show, as models and audience mingled and all around the great ice queens of the fashion industry broke into rare smiles, and accepted glasses of champagne. "Good," said Ford, cool and collected among the hubbub. "I think fashion should be fun."
He says he plans to use the time to contemplate the great issues of the future but he, and those around him, will inevitably take stock of the past â?? and of a career defined in two extraordinary ways. The first is that, politically speaking, David Miliband grew up in public. It wasn't just that he mingled with public figures as a boy, raised as the son of the great Marxist scholar Ralph Miliband in a home that served as a salon for the luminaries of the left â?? so that the likes of Tony Benn and Tariq Ali had memories of him in short trousers.
So Everton, who are only one place above Liverpool in the table, feel a tinge of envy that their rivals are no longer a leveraged debt mountain, and can therefore at least hope to rejoin an elite that the blue half of Merseyside have mingled with but never quite penetrated. All Moyes can do is fall back on the evolution mantra.

Imagine being mingled so completely with another... you no longer need your physical self.
Wyobraź sobie. Być z kimś ak bardzo złączonym... że niepotrzebne ci już ciało.

His smell mingled with theirs in the ground.
Jego zapach mieszał się z ich zapachem.

His love is mingled with every air.
Jego miłość jest zmieszana z powietrzem.

The one who mingled with my soul!
Tym, który połączył się z moją duszą

I, myself, mingled with such a crowd.
Ja, się w taki tłum.

Heaps of words of love mingled gently with our kisses
Słowa miłości zaczęły się mieszać łagodnie z naszymi pocałunkami.

While my blood mingled with yours.
Kiedy moja krew mieszała się z twoją.

I mingled with almost everyone.
Koleguję się prawie z każdym.

Feelings arose between our bodies mingled in delight
Uczucia wślizgnęły się pomiędzy nasze radosne, splątane ciała

Mo-kei, you mingled with Ming and desacrated our temple
Chang, sprzymierzyłeś się z Sektą Zła i zhańbiłeś naszą świątynię.

and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood.
grad i ogień zmieszany ze krwią...

ln fact, mingled with a little well placed disinformation, they should help.
Właściwie, zmieszane z dobrze umieszczoną dezinformacją, powinny pomóc.

But you've mingled... with the ladies.
Ale ty mieszały ... z pań.