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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The judges commended the "constant innovation" of and said it had "established itself as a beacon of quality and creativity".
As diplomats pored over the 22-page text which must now be formally commented on by all countries and will then be amended by the UN before becoming a possible final negotiating text in August, the consensus among poor countries was that it was deeply biased against them.
Berlin is currently seeking to enshrine budgetary rigour across the EU. The Germans have amended their constitution to compel balanced budgets by 2016. Although the German deficit is far from out of control, relative to many of its neighbours, Berlin sees it as its duty to take the lead for Europe's sake.
The initiative, Kimberley process certification, previously recommended Zimbabwe's suspension over their findings of illicit trading and human rights abuses.
â?? This article was amended on 16 June 2010. The word chance was mis-spelt in the original. This has now been corrected.
North, who was commissioned by the former transport secretary Lord Adonis, also called for improvements to drug driving laws by allowing nurses as well as doctors to authorise blood tests of suspects. And he recommended the development of a roadside saliva test of those suspected of driving having taken drugs.
Griffin also recommended that pathways where children's buggies went should be cleaned properly, and that hay should not be allowed to lie around after it has become stained with faeces.
A large proportion of failed asylum seekers have some kind of mental health problem, charities say, the result of the stress through which they are living. Haile probably needs some kind of medical help, but in his limbo status it is hard to access. "They live on paracetamol," Nibizi says. Last year, Haile broke an index finger but, alarmed by the questions he was asked when he went to casualty, left the hospital without getting it treated; the bone has mended but the finger no longer bends, and juts out at an awkward angle.
A large proportion of failed asylum seekers have some kind of mental health problem, charities say, the result of the stress through which they are living. Haile probably needs some kind of medical help, but in his limbo status it is hard to access. "They live on paracetamol," Nibizi says. Last year, Haile broke an index finger but, alarmed by the questions he was asked when he went to casualty, left the hospital without getting it treated; the bone has mended but the finger no longer bends, and juts out at an awkward angle.
â?? This article was amended on 16 June 2010. The word straitened was mis-spelt in the original. This has now been corrected.

I mended his hand loom, but he cannot pay me.
Zacerowałam mu warsztat tkacki, ale mi nie zapłacił.

The worn shoes have gone, but do you want the mended ones?
Nie mogę ci oddać zniszczonych butów. Mam tylko naprawione. Chcesz je?

With the car eventually mended, our final guest set off.'
Po naprawieniu samochodu, nasz ostatni gość wyruszył na tor.

Shame about it. I don't think it can be mended.
Szkoda, ale chyba nie będzie się jej dało zszyć...

My husband won't have anything mended, you know.
Mój mąż nie chce niczego naprawiać.

I've been too soft with you... but that shall be mended.
Zbyt łagodnie obchodziłem się z tobą... lecz to się da naprawić.

Would you like me to get it mended?!
Czy chce pani, abym go naprawił?!

I'm gonna have to send you back to the factory and get it mended.
Muszę odesłać cię do fabryki, żeby to naprawili.

And a broken mind can be mended.
Nawet zepsuty umysł można naprawić.

A reward to have mended my motorbike.
W nagrodę napraw mój motorower.

What was broken has been mended.
Co było zepsute zostało naprawione.

Think but this, and all is mended,
Pomyśl o tym, a wszytsko się naprawi,

And everything will be mended.
I wszystko będzie jak nowe.

Fence mended, problem swept under the rug.
Doskonale! Naprawione, problem zamieciony pod dywan.

He's already mended my fence twice.
Już dwukrotnie naprawiał moje ogrodzenie.

years on, I thought my slap would've mended your mind
Mineły 3 lata, myślałam że mój policzek uzdrowił twój umysł

The one Gu mended for you
Tę, którą zacerowała ci Gu.