(Noun) Melbourne;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Education Started her arts and law degree at the University of Adelaide, later transferring to Melbourne University.Personal life Unmarried, in a long-term relationship with Melbourne hairdresser Tim Mathieson.In fact, there are no major neurological differences between the sexes, says Cordelia Fine in her book Delusions of Gender, which will be published by Icon next month. There may be slight variations in the brains of women and men, added Fine, a researcher at Melbourne University, but the wiring is soft, not hard. "It is flexible, malleable and changeable," she said.The Formula One driver had been caught by police executing a "burnout" and "fishtail" â?? tricks in which wheels are intentionally spun and skidded â?? in front of fans two days before the Melbourne grand prix back in March.They include Mark Fabbro, an Australian who says he was sadistically raped by a priest at a Jesuit school in Melbourne in 1971, when he was 11. Also planning to speak is Sue Cox, who recently broke a 50-year silence over the sexual abuse she endured from a priest, detailing her trauma in a public letter to the Archbishop of Westminster.But the omissions will attract almost as much comment as those that were included. Tsolkias's book, for example, which follows the consequences of a young child being slapped at a Melbourne barbecue, has divided readers."She supported Aboriginal people because she believed in supporting people who were disadvantaged," Melissa Brickell, a pilgrim from Melbourne who was in Rome for today's service, said.She co-founded her order, the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, with the goal of serving the poor, the sick and the disadvantaged, particularly through education. "She supported Aboriginal people because she believed in supporting people who were disadvantaged," said Melissa Brickell, a pilgrim from Melbourne who was in St. Peter's Square for the ceremony.
Next time you decide to go to Melbourne, don't pack so much stuff.
Przy następnej wyprawie do Melbourne, nie bierz ze sobą tylu rzeczy.
Or a wrestling coach on his way to a match in Melbourne.
Albo trener zapasów w drodze na mecz w Melbourne.
If you're going to be in Melbourne by 11:00, you'd better hurry.
Jeśli chcesz być w Melbourne na 11.00, to lepiej się pospiesz.
This is 1 1th party in Melbourne in 3 days.
To będzie 11-ta impreza w Melbourne w ciągu 3 dni.
That's some program they got down there in melbourne.
To jakiś program, który mają w Melbourne.
I don't know anything about a plane to Melbourne.
Nic nie wiem o samolocie do Melbourne.
What's a greek girl like you doing in melbourne?
Co taka Greczynka jak pani robi w Melbourne?
They spend their summers in Melbourne and have annoying accents.
Spędziły wakacje w Melbourne i mają wkurzający akcent.
And you are never coming back to melbourne.
I nigdy nie wrócisz do Melbourne.
I have an outfit just arrived from Melbourne.
Mam strój, który właśnie przyszedł z Melbourne.
Meanwhile, when the marines docked in Melbourne, news of their success had preceded them.
W międzyczasie, kiedy marines dopłynęli do Melbourne, wieści o ich zwycięstwach wyprzedzały ich.
I imagine Lord Melbourne will be here quite early.
Podejrzewam, że Lord Melbourne przybędzie dość wcześnie.
We got to Melbourne and they were calling us saviors of Australia.
Dotarliśmy do Melbourne, gdzie nazywano nas zbawcami Australii.
Uh, so where you been? - ambled from melbourne to minsk.
Gdzie się podziewałeś? - Od Melbourne aż po Mińsk.
He writes that Victoria is still under Melbourne's control.
Pisze, że Wiktoria jest kontrolowana przez Melbourne'a.
She was my senior classmate when I studied in Melbourne
Była moją koleżanką na studiach w Melbourne.
I slept with a woman in Melbourne.
Przespałem się z kobietą w Melbourne.
Lord Melbourne says what suits his interest.
Mówi to, co odpowiada jego interesom.
Come to see the ugly Melbourne boys.
Przyszliśmy zobaczyć brzydkich chłopców z Melbourne.
Two hookers and a single to Melbourne.
Dwie paczki i pojedynczy do Melbourne.
Another chilly night in Melbourne's suburbs with the mercury...
Kolejna chłodna noc w dzielnicach Melbourne z temperaturą....
Arlene and Joseph will bring you to Melbourne.
Arlene i Joseph zabiorą cię do Melbourne.
I've been so busy in Melbourne.
Byłam tak bardzo zajęta w Melbourne.
Lord Melbourne is akin to a miracle.
Lord Melbourne jest bliski cudowi.
But, you'il be doing pushups... all the way to Melbourne.
Ale przez całą drogę do Melbourne będziesz robić pompki.
Which, apparently, Lord Melbourne plays better than you!
W której, najwyraźniej, Lord Melbourne radzi sobie lepiej niż pan!
Melbourne East, 814. 814, check 818, please. Thank you, 814.
Melbourne East, 814. 814, sprawdź 818. Dziękuję, 814.
Paulson, show the lady to Captain Towers' cabin on the Melbourne.
Paulson, zaprowadź panią do kajuty kapitana na Melbourne.
Melbourne to search for his meteorite.
Melbourne... by znaleźć swój meteoryt.
Zoe's got relations in Melbourne and Sydney.
Zoe ma krewnych w Melbourne i Sydney.
My Lord Melbourne thinks you'il be perfect.
Mój Lord Melbourne uważa, że sprawisz się doskonale.
The destroyer Eden left Melbourne on patrol.
Niszczyciel Eden wypłynął z Melbourne.
What troubles you is that Lord Melbourne is Prime Minister again.
To, co pana martwi, to fakt, że Lord Melbourne jest znów premierem.
It's the Geology department in Melbourne.
To tylko Katedra Geologii w Melbourne.
There is a new treatment, in the Orphan Diseases' Congress in Melbourne.
Istnieje nowe leczenie. Przedstawiono je na kongresie w Melbourne.
Five years in the Melbourne Horse Cadets.
Pięć lat w Jeździe Kadet Melbourne.
Daddy's alive and well... and living in Melbourne.
Tata żyje i ma się dobrze, mieszka w Melbourne.
Lord Melbourne calls him this...
Lord Melbourne nazywa go nawet...
In Melbourne today, Venus Williams was comprehensively out-yelped by her sister Serena.
Dziś w Melbourne Venus Williams została całkowicie zagłuszona przez swoją siostrę Serenę.
Lord Melbourne says...
Lord Melbourne mówi...
We're at the Corner Hotel in Australia for the lron Maiden Melbourne meet-up.
Jesteśmy w Corner Hotel w Australii dla żelaznej Maiden Melbourne meet-up.
What power... (woman) Mrs Melbourne!
Co za moc... Pani Melbourne!
He says that Lord Melbourne controls me, and he says that Lehzen controls me.
Mówi, że Melbourne mnie kontroluje I że Lehzen mnie kontroluje.