firma macierzysta: parent company, parent house, registered officespółka macierzysta: (am.) parent corporation
controlling company, parent company, parent house
1. (having existed from the beginning
in an earliest or original stage or state
"aboriginal forests"
"primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"
"the forest primeval"
"primordial matter"
"primordial forms of life")
aboriginal, primal, primeval, primaeval, primordial
synonim: pierwotny
synonim: prymarny
synonim: zaczątkowy
2. (belonging to one by birth
"my native land"
"one's native language")
native: : synonim: rodzimy
home, mother, parent~ firma - parent company~ kraj - mother country~ port - home port~ prawa - primary rights~ szkoła wyższa - home university, the university of one’s graduation
adj. native ~a aplikacja komp. native application ~a firma parent house firm, parent house company ~y format pliku komp. native file format port ~y home port
parent adj
maternal, native
adj home; port ~ home port