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Rebecca Hall is a fine actor who starred in the best Woody Allen film in years, but she's better known now for her role in a recent tabloid splash, after she was cast as the femme fatale, or deadly English rose, who could, possibly, have destroyed the marriage of Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet. After all, she had worked with Mendes, they were friends, and apparently she was his type of girl (brainy, arty, good-looking).She went to the private girls' school Roedean and hated it. Yes, she knew she was privileged, but not in the way most of the other girls were. "I was a really pretentious teenager," she says, embarrassed. In what way? Well, there were times when she would listen only to music by brass bands, and she preferred painting and playing music to socialising. And? "I was quite into my politics. I didn't really want to be in a posh school, I didn't want to be posh â?? that was a lot to do with it. Yes, I had these high-profile parents, and Dad had a house in Chelsea, but it's not like I grew up enormously wealthy. My dad's done theatre all his life. He's not even done an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, for God's sake! My mum has no understanding of the class system in England and is totally American culturally. My upbringing wasn't hanging out on the Kings Road and having friends called Paloma and Fifi. So I didn't entirely relate to that." She speaks in a strangely neutral non-accent, impossible to place â?? not unlike Kate Winslet. She says she has been self-sufficient from a young age. "I've not been reliant on my parents. I was very independent. I think I had to be in a lot of respects."The actresses involved in this film, Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson, did the film, I'd imagine, because Winterbottom is a good director and it will allow them to be perceived as "serious" actresses. The fact that talented and serious actresses would do such a film is no surprise to me, but their roles are underwritten and depressingly thin, which is true for most films that are seen by the critical establishment as "serious". "Serious" films are films about men. Films about women and their concerns are seen as frivolous, limited and, most damaging of all, niche. You only have to look at the recent Oscar contenders such as There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, The Departed, The Hurt Locker or, more recently, The Bad Lieutenant to see what constitutes a "serious" film.Kate Figes is author of the recently published and critically acclaimed Couples: The Truth, which is based on 120 interviews with "committed" couples. The book explores the reality of modern love and is incisive on how, culturally, societal change has made it difficult for us all and has contributed to a feeling that marriage is to be avoided, or must be abandoned at the first hurdle. "It feels in some ways that society is 15 years behind the nature of our relationships," she tells me. "We really are the pioneers. It is hardly surprising that there is divorce and depression. The traditional assumptions of father and mother are disappearing â?? men want more emotional involvement; women want to work â?? few can survive on the father's salary alone. Women have to return to work, and yet workplace attitudes and practices have not shifted adequately enough to accommodate the new needs of families. Families live too far away. It's parents who bear the brunt of this seismic change, with no route map to tell them how to be a 'happy' family any more as they grapple towards a new way of being which sort of works â?? on a good day."But Kate Pickett, co-author of The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone, a book that has influenced policy makers across the three parties, including our new prime minister, is clear that at an international level there is no link between child wellbeing and being the child of a lone parent. In the latest edition of The Spirit Level, she and co-author Richard Wilkinson use the Unicef index of child wellbeing, which measures around 40 different elements, from immunisation to the presence of bullying, to illustrate that: "There is no connection between the proportion of single parents and the national standards of child wellbeing. This, however, contrasts sharply with the strong relationship between child wellbeing and income inequality."Kate Allen of Amnesty International says: "The result of oil exploration, extraction and spills is that many people in the Niger Delta have to drink, cook with, and wash in polluted water; they have to eat contaminated fish â?? if they are lucky enough to still be able to find fish â?? and farm on spoiled land.""My mantra was fast becoming: 'If I'd only known before I came away,'" says Kate Humble who is most famous as the face of BBC wildlife. But she is as enthusiastic about her new launch,, as she is about kestrels. "I've done a lot of travelling in the developing world through my job and I'd get to a school or an orphanage and they wouldn't have something very simple like maps or exercise books. I used to kick myself because invariably these were things lying around at home that I could easily have stuffed in my own rucksack." In particular her idea was generated by a journey in 1999 when she visited an oasis village 200km north of Timbuktu. "Having spent 35 days crossing the Sahara I visited a school where the children wanted to know how long it would take for me to get home â?? in camel days. I drew lines in the sand, but when I discovered they had no concept of the sea, I realised we wouldn't get far without a world map. I would have brought one with me if I'd known."Still, economists focused on the fact most of the committee - currently down by one member while a replacement for Kate Barker is sought - remained of the view it was too early to withdraw stimuli to the nascent recovery.But for all that she might seek to build up a protective dam of friends and surrogate family, Campbell still cuts a distinctly lonely figure. She has never married, instead pursuing a succession of short-lived relationships with high-profile men, including Formula One boss Flavio Briatore, boxer Mike Tyson and dancer Joaqu?n Cort?©s (she has been dating her current boyfriend, billionaire Russian property mogul Vladimir Doronin, for a little over a year). Although her fellow model Kate Moss describes Campbell as "one of the most truthful and generous friends I have known", she does not seem to have all that many people she can rely on.This studied, serious 24-year-old seems at odds in the world of pop, with the likes of Lady Gaga and her pull-on penises, and Rihanna "giving it" to rude boys. Yet, like the aforementioned, Mon??e has her own ace take on quirky, chart-bound songs. The classical-soul-funk-D&B-infused sounds found on her latest album, The ArchAndroid: Suites II And III, are akin to Kate Bush 3.0, Andre 3000 if he were a girl, or Prince if he'd been able to collaborate with Judy Garland circa 1961. It's no surprise that some of those influences are fans, too. "Prince has been a mentor, so I'm very blessed," she admits. They met in 2008, after a show she did in LA: "He told me he loved my jazz voice and what I was doing, and he invited us to his house that night and we had a jam session. It was incredible."
I would love to have you the role of Kate.
I chciałbym abyś zagrała rolę Kate.
When Kate came into the picture, we were dead to you.
I pojawiła się Kate, byliśmy jak martwi dla ciebie.
Kate, do you have any medical conditions we should know about?
Kate, czy ty masz masz jakieś choroby, o których powinniśmy wiedziec?
Kate said it was trying to get at her from above.
Kate powiedziała, że próbował ją dorwać z góry.
Tell me, since when did science run the military, Kate?
Od kiedy nauka steruje militariami, Kate?
Where you were about to tell me how it felt to see kate again.
Kiedy miałeś zamiar mi powiedzieć jakie to było uczucie znów zobaczyć Kate.
Kate doesn't even know your real name. None of them do.
Kate nawet nie zna twojego prawdziwego nazwiska.
Kate should be here any minute to cover for me.
Za chwilę powinna przyjść mi z pomocą Kate.
Kate just said that she wanted a good story, okay?
Kate powiedziała, że chce dobrej historii.
Kate, for the final time, your mother is not dead.
Kate, po raz ostatni mówię, twoja matka nie umarła.
I hope you know, we're only here out of respect for Kate.
Chodźmy usiąść. Jesteśmy tu tylko ze względu na Kate.
I really don't think that you need to worry about Kate.
Hanna, naprawdę nie sądzę, że trzeba martwić się Kate.
Kate doesn't know what it's like to be a mother.
Kate nie wie, jak to jest być matką.
Because you have a lot of feelings for me, Kate.
Ponieważ masz dla mnie dużo więcej uczuć, Kate.
Just keep thinking about that gun next to Kate's head.
Po prostu myśl o broni przy głowie Kate.
Kate says we can stay on here a couple extra days.
Kate mówi, ze możemy to zostać parę dni.
Kate, I have decided to give our family and friends a gift.
Kate, postanowiłem dać każdemu z pośród naszych rodzin i przyjaciół prezent.
John,this has nothing to do with you- Go back to your house,kate!
To nie ma nic wspólnego z tobą...
You just break up with Kate and you're already dating.
Dopiero zerwałeś z Kate i znów się spotykasz.
Anything is better than sitting here crying all day about Kate.
Wszystko jest lepsze niż siedzenie i wspominanie Kate.
It was the agent who set up the deal between you and Kate.
To był numer agenta który przygotował umowę między tobą a Kate.
One thing you can say about Kate is she never played the victim.
Z pewnością jedno, co można powiedzieć o Kate, to że nigdy nie grała ofiary.
But, Kate sent all the gifts and stuff to you.
Ale miałem... Kate chyba wysłała ci wszystkie prezenty.
Shut up, Kate, or go back to your own room.
Zamknij się, Kate, albo idź do swojego pokoju.
If anyone wants to pull down a wall, it's Kate.
Jeśli ktoś chce rozebrać ten mur, to Kate.
Would you mind waiting in the reception area while kate and I talk?
Mógłbyś poczekać w recepcji, aż ja i Kate sobie porozmawiamy?
I just went by Kate's place, and she wasn't home.
Byłem u Kate i nie było jej w domu.
And sometimes it seems you're not that upset about Kate.
Czasem nie wydajesz się być złym na Kate.
Daniel and Kate, they stayed almost the entire night with you.
Daniel i Kate byli tu niemal całą noc.
It means, Kate, there's always someone to go back for.
To, że zawsze jest po kogo wracać.
You know, Kate, it's better to tell us the truth now, whatever that is.
Wiesz, Kate, lepiej jest mówić prawdę, jaka by nie była.
Are you saying Kate felt that and that's where our tensions come from?
Chcesz powiedzieć, że Kate to odczuła, i stąd się wzięło napięcie między nami?
Jen, you've got to make a big cup for Kate.
Jen, musisz zrobić duży kubek dla Kate.
I don't think my marriage to Kate is falling apart.
Nie uważam, że moje małżeństwo z Kate się rozpada.
Kate, you just gotta give me a minute on this, all right?
Kate, daj mi na to tylko minutę, dobrze?
Kate is sitting in compartment one, if you wish to talk to her.
Kate siedzi w przedziale pierwszym, jeśli chcesz z nią pomówić.
Kate got pregnant after we'd last seen each other and so we had Max.
Kate zaszła w ciążę, po tym jak się ostatnio widzieliśmy. I stąd mamy Maxa...
I try to be charitable, looking after Kate and not killing mother.
Staram się być dobra, dbając o Kate i nie zabijając mamy.
Kate is so beautiful, but now, she just feels like garbage.
Kate jest taka piękna, ale teraz, czuje się jak śmieć.
Time and tide, Kate, as your father liked to say.
Wykorzystaj swój czas, Kate, jak mówił twój ojciec.
I need a white blouse, size small in Kate's office by lunch.
Potrzebuję białą bluzkę, mały rozmiar, w biurze Kate, po lunchu.
Do you guys know where Kate is, by chance?
Nie wiecie przypadkiem gdzie może być Kate ?
But what if kate and I don't get along?
Ale co, jeśli Kate i ja nie będziemy się dogadywać?
So, I got Kate to come in and help her.
Zawołałem Kate żeby przyszła i pomogła jej.
Kate, they've got nothing on me if you tell them
Kate, nic na mnie nie maja, jeśli powiesz,
You know, what happened back there, wrecking your game with Kate.
Za to, co tam się stało. Zepsucie twojej gadki z Kate.
And that's the reason you're alive, Kate, because you stopped.
I to jest powód, dla którego nadal żyjesz, Kate, bo się wycofałaś.
Ben's father thinks that Kate had something to do with his son going missing.
Ojciec Bena myśli, że Kate ma coś wspólnego z zaginięciem jego syna.
Kate, I want you to put your baby inside me:
Chcę, byś włożyła we mnie swe dziecko.