im. Julia
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Australia has its first female prime minister, Julia Gillard, after Kevin Rudd stepped down as Labor party leader, avoiding a ballot he was certain to lose.Australia's new prime minister, Julia Gillard, is Welsh-born, having emigrated as one of the "Â?10 Poms". She should be grateful her parents made the trip â?? she would have had little chance of ending up as PM here. The coalition cabinet has so few women it's a wonder they didn't draft in the cleaners to make up numbers for the photographs. Most female Labour MPs responded to the leadership opportunity by hiding behind the curtains.Next month, the all-important September issues of the glossy magazines appear. Current industry rumour has it that the cover girls for the American giants run as follows: Julia Roberts for Elle, Halle Berry for Vogue, and Jennifer Aniston for Harpers Bazaar. If this is true, Aniston â?? at 41 â?? will be the youngest cover girl of the big three. If older women can reappear in fashion, then anything is possible. There may even be hope in Hollywood.Julia Gillard, Australia's prime minister of three weeks, yesterday called a snap election for 21 August â?? with the economy likely to be a major issue.Shapcott won the National Poetry Competition for the first time in 1985, for the uproarious "The Surrealists' Summer Convention Came to Our City", and Electroplating the Baby, her first collection, was published in 1988. It was at this point that she began the process of easing over from full-time arts administrator to full-time poet. "I loved working at the Southbank Centre but it was very full-on. It became clear very quickly that it was going to be difficult to sustain both things. Eventually, I jumped into formal teaching." Shapcott is now a professor of creative writing at Royal Holloway, but she began in Newcastle, where she was a visiting professor at the school of English literature in 2001. This allowed her to write a series of lectures on poetry's relationship with the world, due to be published as The Transformers later this year; and she also discovered, in the city, "a brilliant centre of poetry. It was a very exciting time to be up there. Linda Anderson created an amazing department. You'd go down the corridor and see this wonderful litany of names on the doors â?? WN Herbert, Sean O'Brien, Linda France, Julia Darling . . . "The friendships she fostered during her time at Newcastle proved just as important. O'Brien, who says of Shapcott that she's "an original in contemporary poetry â?? she comes at traditional subject matter as if she's entered the room through a different door", has remained a colleague and valued early reader. And before she died from breast cancer in 2005, Julia Darling offered support of a different kind. "Julia was a great friend to me when I was diagnosed," Shapcott says. "She was always quite jaunty about it, which was an inspiration. She'd write emails saying things like 'drink green tea and eat kiwi!'." At the end of her treatment, Shapcott, like Darling, was prescribed tamoxifen. "Millions of women all over the world take it," Shapcott explains, "and Julia and I were talking about it one day and had a sudden epiphany: an image of all of these women taking this white pill every morning, at the same time. It was a collective act of faith. So we elevated it into a goddess; she became the Goddess Tam."As I became more self-assured - in myself and in my appearance - the comments all but stopped, and my attitude shifted again. Away from the bustle of the city streets, I realised, as Julia Serano says, that the concept of passing casts all trans people as deceivers - something many of us internalise. Being a consequence of other people gendering us, passing should not be an active verb, as we're passive in having our identities judged, derided and denied by non-trans people. This, too, is often internalised, and passing has become one of the most important issues for transgender and transsexual people, with the fear of not passing by association driving a wedge between those who pass easily and those who don't. Historically, this has been one of the biggest barriers to forming any sort of trans community.So within a couple of years, Haverstock could boast both the leader of the Labour party and the London mayor as former pupils. And if you're thinking "cosy metropolitan liberalism", think again. Haverstock's political influence also extends to the heart of the Australian Labour party; old boy Tom Bentley is special adviser to new prime minister Julia Gillard.10.24am: Julia Sebutinde (left), the president of the court, asks White for clarification on details about how the diamonds were delivered. The president of the court Julia Sebutinde intervenes to asks why Campbell was so friendly with Taylor after being warned to stay away from him by Machel.
First of all, no one was ever good enough for Julia.
Po pierwsze, nikt nigdy nie był wystarczająco dobry dla Julii.
When Julia was five months, she wanted to kill her and himself.
Kiedy Julia miała pięć miesięcy, jej matka próbowała zabić ją i siebie samą.
I have but just got Julia to leave it alone.
Muszę tylko przekonać Julię, by zostawia go w spokoju.
When Julia was five months old, her mother tried to kill them both.
Kiedy Julia miała pięć miesięcy, jej matka próbowała zabić ją i siebie samą.
It's so that Julia can have a world to live in.
Po to, żeby istniał świat, w którym żyje Julia.
I'm sure that's not the only thing you learned from Julia.
To zapewne nie jest jedyna rzecz, której się pani od niej nauczyła.
Is this the way you want Julia to grow up?
Czy w taki sposób chcesz aby Julia dorosła?
Julia. Didn't we just search your entire body and find nothing?
Julio... przecież przeszukałem całe twoje ciało... i nie znalazłem nic.
Julia, I just think you're too hard on some of these guys, okay?
Julia, Po prostu myślę, że jesteś za ostra dla tych facetów, okej?
Julia, maKe a fist for me with your right hand.
Julia, zrób coś dla mnie z swoją prawą dłonią.
Julia, no one has invested more in this show than I have.
Julia, nikt nie miał takiego wkładu w to, jak ja.
Whatever problems Julia's having with you are hers to solve.
Jakikolwiek ma z tobą problem. Może go sama rozwiązać.
Because you and Julia are both too honest to cheat.
Bo ty i Julia jesteście zbyt uczciwi by zdradzić.
Okay, this print that you gave me is not Julia's.
No dobra. Odcisk, który mi dałeś, nie należy do Julii.
I hear they're voting on the proposal for Julia tomorrow.
Słyszałem, że jutro jest głosowanie w sprawie projektu w Julii.
And on each occasion, Julia talked almost exclusively about you.
I za każdym razem, Julia mówiła prawie wyłącznie o tobie.
Look, at my son, Julia, and tell him you lied.
Spójrz na mojego syna i powiedz, że kłamałaś.
Anything you want to know about Julia, ask me.
Jak chcecie coś wiedzieć o Julii, to pytajcie mnie.
Julia's been amazing. She's completely taken me under her wing.
Julia jest niesamowita, wzięła mnie pod swoje skrzydła.
Julia, this guy was probably just after your money.
Julia, ten facet był z tobą prawdopodobnie tylko dla pieniędzy.
I've always heard such nice things about you, Julia.
Zawsze słyszałam o tobie dobre rzeczy.
Do you want to stay in this marriage, Julia?
Chcesz zostać w tym małżeństwie, Julia?
But one thing is for sure- You're not julia.
Jedno jest pewne, nie masz na imię Julia.
Julia, have you thought about going to Iive somewhere else?
Julia, myślałaś kiedyś o tym żeby się przeprowadzić gdzieś indziej?
George, you and Julia must come to our Christmas party.
George, musicie z Julią przyjść na nasze przyjęcie świąteczne.
Julia doesn't need a lecture in theatrical ethics from you.
Julia nie potrzebuje od ciebie lekcji etyki teatralnej.
Julia, the lawyer, wants to see you again and this time for longer
Julia, prawnik, chce się z tobą znów widzieć tym razem na dłużej.
Julia, what we just heard is a major accomplishment, an artistic triumph.
Julia to co właśnie usłyszeliśmy, jest wielkim osiągnięciem i artystycznym sukcesem.
I know it's not exactly what you wanted, Julia.
Wiem, że to nie jest to czego chciałaś, Julio.
Julia, will you tell him recommends that when breast feeding?
Julia, powiesz mu, że gdy zaleca karmienie piersią?
You have to promise me something. Take care of Julia.
Musisz mi coś obiecać... że zaopiekujesz się Julią.
I do not deserve a friend like you, Julia.
Nie zasługuję na taką przyjaciółkę.
I want to spend time with Julia, my grandchildren.
Chcę spędzać więcej czasu z Julią i wnukami.
Julia: Do you really believe this stuff about parallel universes?
Naprawdę wierzysz w to gadanie o równoległych wszechświatach?
But Julia says do not overstep the boundary between personal and professional.
A Julia mówi, żeby nie przekraczać granic prywatnej i zawodowej.
I don't want Annie to have to go to public school, Julia.
Nie chce, żeby Annie szła do publicznej szkoły, Julia.
Uniforms went to the house, and Julia's not there.
Mundurowi pojechali do domu, ale Julii tam nie ma.
If you didn't kill Julia Conrad, now is the time to tell me.
Jeśli nie zabiłeś Julii Conrad, teraz jest czas, abyś mi o tym powiedział.
Wow, julia, it's amazing how much you look like eric roberts.
Wow, Julia, to zdumiewające jak bardzo jesteś podobna do Erica Robertsa .
Ain't it in bad taste to be out clubbing so soon after Julia's death?
Czy to nie w złym guście chodzić do klubów tak szybko po śmierci Julii?
Hey, so, Julia, I heard you was like a lawyer and stuff.
Hej, więc, Julia, Słyszałem, że jesteś prawnikiem i te rzeczy.
Julia, this is not the time to blame oneself.
Julia, Julia, to nie pora na obwinianie się.
I know why you asked me here, Julia.
Wiem, czemu mnie zaprosiłaś.
I was up all night working with Julia.
Całą noc pracowałem z Julią.
I wanted to speak to her friend, Julia.
Chciałbym porozmawiać z jej przyjaciółką, Julią.
I'm not giving julia a part of me.
Ja nie oddaję Julii części siebie.
Julia will be happy to have me home.
Julia będzie szczęśliwa, mając mnie w domu.
Julia wants to have a baby with Mark.
Julia chce mieć dziecko z Markiem.
I just asked Julia to help me take care of Wilber.
Właśnie poprosiłem Julię o pomoc w zajmowaniu się Wilberem.
Yeah, well, Julia is not available any longer.
Cóż Julia nie jest wolna.