(Noun) geografia Hawana; cygaro hawańskie;
cygaro hawańskie
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The Sakharov Prize has still not been awarded to the Women in White from Havana.
Nagroda Sacharowa do tej pory nie wręczono laureatkom kobietom w bieli z Hawany.
Dr Darsí Ferrer was a significant personality in Havana, who was helping dissidents to obtain medicines.
Dr Darsí Ferrer był w Hawanie kimś ważnym, kto pomagał dysydentom zdobyć lekarstwa.
It is the 'Ladies in White' who cannot collect the prize, because they are not being allowed to leave Havana.
To "Damy w Bieli” nie mogą odebrać nagrody, bo nie są wypuszczane z Hawany.
We went from Havana, Cuba to Decatur, Georgia.
Przyjechaliśmy z Hawany na Kubie do Decatur w Georgii.
Red can be comical: it can draw your attention to the poor little personality of the little fire hydrant suffering from bad civic planning in Havana.
Czerwony bywa komiczny: może przyciągać uwagę do małej osobowości niedużego ulicznego hydrantu cierpiącego na skutek złego planowania miejskiego w Hawanie.
The Playa Municipal branch of the party has stripped Morales of his membership and the historian, a frequent commentator on state television, has disappeared from public view, the Havana Times reported.
Rumours of a corruption scandal involving Havana airport have been circulating for months. Rogelio Acevedo, the civil aviation minister, and Jorge Luis Sierra Cruz, the transport minister, have been fired. In addition to this, dozens of airport employees have been arrested, amid claims that state aircraft were used for private gain.
Castro appeared in a couple of videotaped interviews with Cuban television in 2007 and rather more frequently in photographs greeting foreign leaders visiting the island. He had not been seen in a public setting until photographs of him visiting a science centre in Havana were published in the Communist party newspaper Granma on Monday. He was shown smiling and chatting to workers, dressed in sports clothes and looking relaxed.
News that Castro would appear on TV garnered emotional responses from Havana residents. "We are so, so excited to see him. It is unbelievable," sugar ministry worker Paula Alonso told Reuters TV. "Especially for people from the same generation, we want to see our president."
The former president told a meeting at the University of Havana that the remark, which caused a sensation when reported earlier this week, did not reflect his view. He meant "the exact opposite", he said.
Goldberg, who detailed his three-days in Havana with Castro on his blog, did not immediately respond to the disputed version of the controversial remark.
Huge crowd in Havana greets shorter than usual speech by Cuba's former president who appears in rude health
It was just like old times, only briefer. Fidel Castro, back in his olive green fatigues, blasted US imperialism to a huge throng under a Havana sun.
A Cuban airliner flying from the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba to Havana has crashed with 68 people aboard, including 28 foreigners, state media reported. There was no immediate news on whether there any survivors.
The flight would have been one of the last leaving Santiago de Cuba for Havana ahead of the tropical storm Tomas, which was on a track to pass between Cuba's eastern tip and the western coast of Haiti on Friday. Cuban media said earlier that flights and train service to Santiago were being suspended until the storm passed.
I want you to show them a good time in Havana.
Chcę, by się dobrze zabawili w Hawanie.
One week in Havana and this whole thing will have blown over.
Tydzień w Hawanie i cała sprawa przycichnie.
Come on down to the hottest spot south of Havana!
Przyjedź do najlepszego miejsca na południe od Havany!
He has a cigar shop on the southern edge of Havana.
Ma sklep z cygarami w południowej Hawanie.
So while you were in Havana, I was off at college.
Gdy ty byłeś w Havanie, ja byłam w college'u.
You know, I met this guy years ago in Havana.
Spotkałem tego faceta przed laty w Hawanie.
He's probably on his way to Moscow or Havana by now.
Pewnie jest już w drodze do Moskwy albo Hawany.
Remember that Cuban guy who wanted me to live with him in Havana?
Pamiętacie tego Kubańczyka, który mnie kupił i chciał, żebym z nim zamieszkał w Havanie?
Havana is no longer a capital city, but a capital sin.
Hawana nie jest już głównym miastem... ...tylko głównym grzechem.
What's Drusilla going to tell the family back in Havana?
Co Drusilla powie swojej rodzinie w Hawanie?
I led him to you in Havana, didn't l?
Naprowadziłem go na ciebie w Hawanie, tak?
What time will you be in Havana tomorrow?
O której będziesz jutro w Hawanie?
And then you will go to Havana by bus, by jeep or on foot!
Wtedy udasz się do Hawany, autobusem, jeepem albo pieszo!
The family is making an investment in Havana.
Rodzina robi interesy w Hawanie.
Havana is a very accommodating city, especially during Carnival.
Hawana jest bardzo zaludnionym miastem, zwłaszcza w okresie karnawału.
Because I already tried it in Havana, and we bled cash.
Ponieważ próbowałem już tego w Havanie, i straciliśmy mnustwo kasy.
A country boy in Havana to serve the Revolution.
Wiejski chłopak w Havanie w służbie Rewolucji.
Howard, we had chicken a la Havana tonight.
Howard, jedliśmy dziś kurczaka a la Havana.
I like to stroll through Havana with a lighted cigarette
lubię przechadzać się po Hawanie z zapalonym papierosem
My schooner will take you to Havana tonight.
Mój szkuner jeszcze dziś zawiezie cię do Hawany.
President Tito and others left Havana the same day.
Prezydenta Tito'a 'a i inni opuściło Hawanę tego sam dnia.
A toast. To the most elegant couple in Havana.
Toast... ...dla najbardziej elegancjkiej pary w Hawanie.
And now you'll go into Havana and behave like an innocent commercial attache.
A teraz pojedziesz do Hawany i będziesz się zachowywał jak na attaché przystało.
The shipment has to be in Havana before Wednesday.
Towar musi być w Hawanie przed środą.
Havana will be next. Maria is there.
Następna będzie Hawana, a Maria tam jest.
It is very likely that Tito heard about it in Havana.
To bardzo prawdopodobne, żeby Tytus słyszał się o tym w Hawanie.
It is the 'Ladies in White' who cannot collect the prize, because they are not being allowed to leave Havana.
To "Damy w Bieli” nie mogą odebrać nagrody, bo nie są wypuszczane z Hawany.
Stephanie, could we have two Havana Club, please?
Stefanio, proszę o dwa Hawana Club.
Racing to Havana to break him?
Masz upoważnienie, by go zniszczyć?
Gentlemen, to a night in Havana!
Panowie, za noc w Hawanie!
I slept with him in Havana.
Przespałam się z nim w Hawanie.
Listen, we're a little outmanned down in Little Havana.
Jesteście. Posłuchajcie, przewyższają nas liczebnie w Little Havana.
Send me a postcard from Havana.
Przyślij mi pocztówkę z Havany.
It's a private clinic in Havana.
To prywatna klinika w Hawanie.
Have you been to Havana?
Byłeś w Hawanie?
You take Self and go to Little Havana.
Lincoln, może ty i ja... Jedź z Selfem do Little Havana.
Which path will Havana choose?
Jaką drogę wybierze Hawana?
Havana is a wonderful area.
Hawana jest cudownym miejscem.
President Tito arrived in Havana on 29.
Prezydenta Tito'a 'a przybyło do Hawany na 29..
It says the following: Havana, Year of Agriculture.
Brzmi następująco: Havana, Rok, rolnictwa.
Baby, please, I am not from Havana.
Kochanie, proszę cię, nie jestem z Hawany.
Our entire conversation is based on the 1995 Lonely Planet guide to Havana
Wszystkie nasze rozmówki pochodzą z przewodnika Lonely Planet po Hawanie z roku 1995.
When I think of him all by himself in that jail in Havana--
Kiedy pomyślę jak samotny jest w tym więzieniu w Hawanie...
Loxi, I wish I didn't have to go back to Havana tomorrow.
Loxi, nie chcę jutro wracać do Hawany.
Young Victor Vasquez was a med student in Havana in 1959.
Młody Victor Vasquez był studentem medycyny w Havanie w roku 1959.
No, he's at home in Havana.
Nie, on mieszka w domu w Hawanie.
The Sakharov Prize has still not been awarded to the Women in White from Havana.
Nagroda Sacharowa do tej pory nie wręczono laureatkom kobietom w bieli z Hawany.
Charles Bronson, by way of Havana.
Charles Bronson, w drodze z Havany.