im. Gwidon
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Photos of Hague and Myers walking together in casual clothes were published in the Mail on Sunday, and the Guido Fawkes political website made a freedom of information request about the appointment of the adviser, who has little apparent expertise in foreign affairs.
Travelling with the Pope are Fr Federico Lombardi, head of the Vatican press office, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State, Mgr Georg G?¤nswein, the Pope's personal secretary, Mgr Guido Marini, the papal master of ceremonies, Archbishop Kurt Koch, the new head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and more than 20 other officials. Another 70 accredited reporters are also on the plane, sitting in coach class.
"This accident affects not only our Polish friends, but us as well," German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said in a statement. "Our deepest sympathy and our thoughts are with the friends and family of the victims in their dark hour."
â?? Brazilian finance minister Guido Mantega speaks out against devaluationsâ?? Economists fear increasing currency volatility and instability
Brazilian finance minister Guido Mantega made his comments in a speech in Sao Paulo last night to Brazilian industrial leaders ahead of presidential elections on Sunday.
Brazil's finance minister, Guido Mantega, coined the "international currency war" phrase last week
Brazil's finance minister, Guido Mantega, coined the "international currency war" phrase last week, following a series of interventions by central banks in Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and Taiwan to make their currencies cheaper.
The 900-page report, called The Office and the Past: German Diplomats in the Third Reich and the Federal Republic, went on sale in bookstores yesterday and will be officially handed over to the current foreign minister Guido Westerwelle on Thursday. On Sunday, Westerwelle told German television station ARD he was thinking of making it mandatory reading material for all future diplomats.
That said, we do sorely miss the exceptional German engagement in Europe, which was such a salient feature of the federal republic's foreign policy from Konrad Adenauer to Helmut Kohl. The European project is stalled not least because the German motor is no longer driving it forward. It is much clearer today what Germany wants from Europe than what it wants for Europe. The German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, tried to elucidate this in a recent speech here in Berlin, but the answer somehow got lost in a quivering blancmange of neo-Genscherite waffle.
The Telegraph and the rightwing blogger Guido Fawkes both launched campaigns last week to identify student protesters, posting photographs of activists they suggested had been involved in criminal activity.
A guy like Guido leaving and not even coming to say goodbye.
Żeby facet jak Guido wyjechał i nawet nie przyszedł się pożegnać.
The thief killed Guido but took good care to save you.
Złodziej zabił Guido, ale ciebie oszczędził.
I think. Guido, don't send us upstairs when we get old.
Guido, nie wysyłaj nas na górę, gdy się zestarzejemy.
Guido, I'm sure today will be a beautiful day.
Guido, jestem pewien, że to będzie piękny dzień
Guido, I thought this black velvet was going to wrinkle.
Guido, a myślałam, że ten czarny aksamit się pogniecie.
Guido, do you know she prepared something just the way you like it?
Guido, ona przygotowała coś dokładnie tak, jak lubisz.
And this is Prince Guido, the love of my life.
A to książę Guido, miłość mojego życia.
What happened? He was tackled by this big guido kid playing soccer.
Co się stało? Został zaatakowany przez wielkiego maczo, grającego w piłkę.
With their backing, Guido, you can get everything you need in life.
Wkraść się w ich łaski znaczy, że możesz mieć w życiu cokolwiek.
Well there's a good catholic wife for you, Guido.
Oto dobra katolicka żona dla ciebie, Guido.
Oh Guido, this is splendid, I've always wanted one like it.
Och, Guido, to wspaniałe, zawsze chciałam taki.
Everyone is here because they love you, Guido.
Wszyscy tu są, ponieważ cię kochają, Guido.
I don't know. Why not dream up something entertaining, Guido?
Nie wiem dlaczego nie myśleć, o czymś rozrywkowym, Guido?
We must explain something to our young Guido.
Musimy coś wyjaśnić młodemu Guido.
Prince Guido at your service, any time, my dear Princess.
Książę Guido, do usług, księżniczko.
I beg you Guido, just for one year.
Błagam cię, Guido, tylko jeden rok.
There's no room for hopelessness here, is there, Guido?
Nie ma tu miejsca na beznadziejność, prawda Guido?
Listen, Guido, about that little thing you promised -
Słuchaj, Guido. Obiecałeś mi taką małą rzecz...
You didn't even say if you liked it, Guido?
Nawet mi nie powiedziałeś, czy ci się podoba. Podoba ci się?
I thank Guido Sacconi once again for his work.
Chciałbym ponownie podziękować panu Guido Sacconiemu za jego pracę.
It's nice, living all together like this, Guido.
Czy to nie fajnie tak żyć wszyscy razem?
Guido, do you love me a little?
Guido, kochasz mnie choć trochę?
Finally, let me just endorse what Guido Sacconi said.
Na koniec proszę pozwolić mi poprzeć to, co powiedział Guido Sacconi.
Well, big Guido. What are you working on?
A więc, wielki Guido, nad czym teraz prcujesz?
Those e-mails from Tess- Guido helped me with them.
Guido pomógł mi z tymi e-mailami od Tess.
Guido, this is my buddy Jacques Mesrine i talked to you about.
Guido, to jest ten moj kumpel o którym ci mówiłe, Jacques Merine.
Guido took me to a lousy party.
Guido zabrał mnie na jakieś parszywe przyjęcie.
It was that guido, and you know that.
lt był, że guido i znasz to.
Then they will say, Guido Rosetti is good for Anna.
Wtedy powiedzą: Guido Rosetti jest godny Anny.
Guido, your eyes do not deceive you.
Guido, oczy cię nie zwodzą.
Guido, he's not going in there again?
Guido, on nie idzie tam z powrotem.
Guido, who will dance for you?
Guido, kto będzie dla ciebie tańczył?
Let us not forget, Guido, mon cher, that is our privilege:
Spraw, byśmy nie zapomnieli, Guido, mon cher, to jest nasz przywilej:
No, Guido, it's been a wonderful evening.
To nie tak, Guido. To był wspaniały wieczór.
Yes, Signor Guido, I'm sure you'll do very well today.
Guido, jestem pewien, że to będzie piękny dzień
You two go with Guido.
Wy dwaj z Guido!
How about this one, Guido?
A co sądzisz o tej, Guido?
Why, Guido, it's part of the house.
Dlaczego Guido? To część domu.
Guido, don't close your eyes tonight!
Guido, nie zamykaj oczu tej nocy!
Guido, everybody knows about me.
Guido, wszyscy o mnie wiedzą.
You don’t like her Guido?
Nie podoba ci się, Guido?
I believe it was Guido von List.
Uważam, że był Guido von Lista.
Guido Sacconi said that he was not sure about the number of pre-registrations, but he thought that they were over one million.
Poseł Guido Sacconi powiedział, że nie zna dokładnej liczby wstępnych rejestracji, ale uważa, że jest ich ponad milion.
Guido believe you now.
Guido ci teraz wierzy.
Guido, His Eminence is waiting for you.
Guido, Jego Eminencja czeka na ciebie.
Hey, big Guido, how are you?
Hej, wielki Guido, jak się masz?
Why not go to Bishop Guido?
Idźcie do biskupa Guido.
Oh, lz, don't leave poor Guido alone.
Oh, lz, nie zostawiaj biednego Guido samego.
For this reason and because it is a special omen, I should like to congratulate Guido Sacconi.
Z tego względu, jak również z uwagi na szczególne okoliczności, chciałbym pogratulować panu Guido Sacconiemu.
So, please, Guido, yes or no.
Więc, proszę, Guido, tak czy nie?