(Adverb) szaleńczo, zapamiętale, gorączkowo, rozpaczliwie, jak oszalały, jak szalony;
jak szalony
jak oszalały
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
A man shouting, "Shut up!" ~~~ The dogs frantically snarling,
Ktoś wrzeszczy "Zamknij się!", psy szaleńczo warczą,
And here we are frantically building these experiments, doing these calculations, writing these computer codes.
Na niej szaleńczo budujemy te eksperymenty, liczymy, piszemy programy.
It ran a dignified (but not annoying) 20 minutes late - time which was well spent by the assembled fashion editors frantically speculating over the big question of the moment: Would Kate Moss show up (as she has unfailingly in the past), or not?.
Eerie silence lasting around 5 minutes then followed, before a soldier called frantically for an ambulance - a fleet of which had been kept waiting about 500 metres away.
They ran backwards and forwards, barking frantically as the boat passed.
Half an hour later, the probation officer found his 27-year-old charge sitting at a desktop computer frantically hacking away at the hard drive with a knife, and then a tin opener.
Now it is upon us and we are frantically looking for a solution.
Teraz dotyczy to nas, a my gorączkowo poszukujemy rozwiązania.
But while you frantically search for a shovel, I'm going to class.
A podczas, gdy ty będziesz gorączkowo szukał łopaty, ja idę na zajęcia.
Then one guy from the was trying frantically to reach anyone on the elevators.
Wtedy ktoś z próbował skontaktować się z kimś w windach.
Even he is tracing her frantically.
On jej poszukuje jak szalony.
Mendoza trying frantically to catch him.
Mendoza próbujący szalenie złapać jego.