ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

~ of the art of war - podstawy sztuki wojennej

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Language, then, all too often becomes the most intimate proxy for broader societal conflicts that have little to do with what people actually speak. "National languages are . . . almost always semi-artificial constructs and occasionally . . . virtually invented," writes Eric Hobsbawm in Nations and Nationalism. "They are the opposite of what nationalist mythology supposes them to be, namely the primordial foundations of national culture and the matrices of the national mind. They are usually attempts to devise a standardised idiom out of a multiplicity of actually spoken idioms, which are thereafter downgraded to dialects."
So the small number of Brits, Irish and New Zealanders of bold intent who turned up to do their best to help arrived in Sarajevo to find a strange demimonde of slaughter and cultural ferment. These were not "career" aid workers with bureaucracy and armoured vehicles behind them, but ad hoc trade union groups and concerned citizens on something called The Serious Road Trip, the first independent aid organisation into the city. The Road Trip, set up in 1991, laid the foundations for War Child, arriving in besieged Sarajevo in trucks painted with bright colours and cartoon characters to tease the snipers. They were joined by Simon Glinn, a music producer who ran the Jazz World stage at Glastonbury, not so much to deliver aid as work with the Sarajevan underground scene to organise rock concerts and events under a banner calling itself the Sarajevo Community Music Project, and even a festival with Radio Zid called Rock Under Siege. "I'm not sure I'd do it like that now," says Glinn, currently executive director of the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall and events, "but people of our age then probably would. If one was to paste a philosophy on to that madness, which was brave and lucky, I'd say just that this was about solidarity, multiculturalism and, well, the fundamental principles of good rock'n'roll."
Seth Berkley, head of the International Aids Vaccine Initiative [IAVI], says: "The foundation has the advantage of speed and flexibility. When they want to, they can move quickly, unlike many other large bureaucracies. Most of the other private foundations in the US don't work globally. Others are more staid than Gates. I used to work at the Rockefeller Foundation [an older American charity] and dole out grants in small amounts. The Gates foundation gave us at IAVI a grant of $1.5m (Â?1m), then $25m. Then they gave us a line of credit â?? which is extremely unusual in grant-making â?? of $100m, to give us assets to be able to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies and initiate vaccine development programmes. Using that $100m, we were able to leverage lots more funding â?? $800m in total. What Gates allowed us to do was go out and search for new ideas and move quickly on them. The old way was to find the new ideas, and then look for a donor to back them."
The way Gates and his elite staff have chosen to try to do so is by running their charity as a kind of business. Edwards calls this approach â?? increasingly popular at private foundations funded by business-people â?? philanthrocapitalism; others call it "venture philanthropy". Steiner explains: "Sitting here in Seattle, we're not going to solve Africa's problems. Africans are going to solve Africa's problems. We've got to find the Africans." Often, this means the foundation mounting competitions for grant applications, and giving money to the winners, which usually means the most "pioneering" (Steiner's word) and those that promise to fulfil a need not met by other charities.
"It appears to be on the rise again with more and more people prepared to listen to those siren voices that say that everything is okay, there is no need to worry and that we can all carry on as before as all this fuss about climate change and environmental collapse is merely part of a sinister attempt to undermine the entire foundations of the market-based capitalist system.
You'll see the kind of information the WGA gathers, details about bank accounts, shares owned and services bought. There were 553 Local Authorities and 320 NHS trusts and foundations who completed this form last year - that's a lot of data.
Then on Saturday 4 November 1922, the dig revealed a step cut into the rock of the valley floor, beneath the foundations of a group of huts. It was the beginning of a stairway that led to a walled-up doorway: Tutankhamun's resting place had been found. Fleming shows me two words from the next day's entry â?? "seals intact" â?? the crucial sign that the tomb had lain undisturbed since the second millennium BC.
She had been successful at raising the money through foundations and fundraisers, but a few weeks ago support suddenly dried up. "People are afraid because under the law you cannot provide aid to somebody who is undocumented," she says. She now fears that she will be unable to find the $23,000 she still needs, and will have to forego the chance of studying at America's pre-eminent academic institution.
Cei, which describes itself as an "organisation that major foundations have asked to launch campaigns to change the practices of core industries", has also produced this fairly frightening video on the sands.
Hove is known among music lovers for its festival, held each June, where 10,000 people gather to hear bands such as Florence and the Machine, Muse and Vampire Weekend belting out their songs in an old military encampment next to the nature reserve. Festivals seem to be a way of life here, especially in July and August. There are horse festivals, Viking festivals, even accordion festivals. At Arendal, a few miles up the coast, there's a slow food festival. Unni Ramsvatn, one of the originators of the slow food movement in Norway, runs Bjellandstrand Gard, a bakery and restaurant set in a rose garden and small orchard on the north-east side of Tromoy, just up from Hove Camping. Built on foundations laid by occupying German forces during the second world war, this former farm building turned watering hole is a labour of love for Unni and her husband, Jon, who serve up healthy salmon and couscous salads, bread from their wood-fired oven and vast slices of cake to weekend visitors. "It was almost impossible to buy a cup of coffee before on this island," says Jon.

It is very important that we put these foundations in place.
Bardzo ważne jest, byśmy zbudowali te podstawy.

We all know that you build a house from the foundations up.
Wszyscy wiemy, że dom stawia się od fundamentów.

It is important for such relations to be built on sound foundations.
Tym ważniejsze są zdrowe podstawy stosunków Unia - Indie.

I really think that we have laid the foundations for future action.
Naprawdę sądzę, że udało się nam zbudować fundamenty pod przyszłe działania.

We need to be laying the foundations for this now.
Musimy położyć pod to fundamenty już dziś.

The European economy has continued to show strong growth based on solid foundations.
Gospodarka europejska nadal wykazuje silny wzrost oparty na solidnych podstawach.

What I can describe to you already, however, are the most important elements, the foundations.
Mogę państwu natomiast przedstawić najważniejsze elementy wniosku, jego podstawowe filary.

We also wanted to lay the foundations for and contribute to a common energy policy.
Naszym zamiarem było też położenie podwalin pod wspólną politykę energetyczną i wniesienie wkładu w nią.

These must form the foundations of the new policies because they are what will bring fundamental social and economic change.
Muszą one stać się podstawą nowej polityki, ponieważ to one przyczynią się do zasadniczych zmian społecznych i ekonomicznych.

We need to lay the foundations for a long-term strategy.
Musimy położyć fundamenty pod strategię długookresową.

Terrorism is an attack against the very foundations of democracy.
Terroryzm jest atakiem na istotę demokracji!

There is evidence that children already develop the foundations of responsibility, understanding and social behaviour in their early years.
Istnieją dowody na to, że dzieci już od wczesnych lat rozwijają w sobie podstawy poczucia odpowiedzialności, zrozumienia oraz zachowań społecznych.

When the foundations are bad, there is a risk that the building might not be sound and could collapse.
Jeśli fundamenty nie są solidne, ryzykujemy, że budynek nie będzie stabilny i się zawali.

The fire appears to have been put out, but the foundations of our financial system are still shaky.
Ogień wydaje się być ugaszony, jednak podstawy naszego systemu finansowego są nadal chwiejne.

I look forward to building on the foundations of this directive.
Czekam na dalsze działania na podstawie tej dyrektywy.

It is at least equally important that we build on European foundations.
Co najmniej równie ważne jest to, aby budować na fundamentach europejskich.

Information is the only way to lay the foundations for a healthy diet.
Informacja jest jedynym z fundamentów zdrowej diety.

The proposals cover not only European political parties, but also their foundations.
Przedstawione wnioski dotyczą nie tylko europejskich partii politycznych, ale też ich fundacji.

The same goes for the proposals being made on the respective political foundations.
To samo dotyczy propozycji odnoszących się do fundacji politycznych.

This Council is also a place where the foundations of a consolidated common market are being worked out.
Rada ta jest także miejscem wypracowania podstaw jednolitego wspólnego rynku.

The work of the agencies and foundations is often regarded as nothing more than a cost factor.
Praca agencji i Fundacji jest często uważana jedynie za czynnik kosztów.

The inclusion of references to political foundations is also positive.
Pozytywnym aspektem jest także wprowadzenie zapisów dotyczących fundacji politycznych.

These old foundations, they mix lead in with the cement for stability.
Ołów zmieszany z cementem dla stabilności.

Once again we can see that the foundations of Russian democracy are very weak.
Po raz kolejny przekonujemy się, że rosyjska demokracja zbudowana jest na bardzo słabych fundamentach.

I think that this initiative, in allowing European political foundations, will help.
Sądzę, że ta inicjatywa okaże się pomocna, dopuszczając do tworzenia europejskich fundacji politycznych.

Furthermore, these early years lay the foundations for children's lifelong learning.
Ten wczesny etap leży również u podstaw procesu uczenia się przez całe życie tych dzieci.

We cannot undermine the moral foundations of democracy which rest on those very values.
Nie możemy podważać zasad demokracji, które opierają się na tych właśnie wartościach.

They are the foundations on which a healthy, dynamic and secure job market is built.
To fundamenty, na których opiera się zdrowy, dynamiczny i bezpieczny rynek pracy.

Until you deal with the foundations of this system, you will change nothing.
Dopóki nie zajmiecie się podstawami, na których opiera się ten systemu, dopóty nic się nie zmieni.

I am pleased that we can lay the foundations which will help to protect these people's health throughout the whole of Europe.
Jestem zadowolona, że możemy budować fundamenty, które pomogą chronić zdrowie tych ludzi w całej Europie.

In most of our countries, we have not only political parties but also political foundations.
W większości krajów mamy nie tylko partie polityczne, ale także fundacje polityczne.

As you know, media freedom is one of the foundations of a democratic society.
Jak państwo wiedzą, wolność środków masowego przekazu stanowi jeden z fundamentów demokratycznego społeczeństwa.

Then we will have laid the foundations for them.
To pozwoli nam położyć fundamenty pod nie.

To put it plainly, free movement is to Europe what foundations are to buildings.
Mówiąc krótko, swobodne poruszanie się jest dla Europy tym, czym fundamenty dla budynków.

It is not yet too late to strengthen the foundations of a common European energy policy based on solidarity.
Nie jest jeszcze za późno, aby wzmocnić podstawy dla wspólnej europejskiej polityki energetycznej opartej na solidarności.

Yet we are failing to build the house from the foundations upwards.
Nie stawiamy jednak domu od fundamentów w górę.

We can tunnel under the foundations from that corner.
Możemy przekopać się pod fundamentami z tamtego rogu.

These foundations have proved their worth in many countries.
Fundacje te w wielu krajach pokazały swoją wartość.

Structural reforms have improved the foundations of the European economy.
Reformy strukturalne poprawiły podstawy gospodarki europejskiej.

As you know, we must rebuild public finances on sustainable foundations.
Jak Państwo wiecie, musimy odbudować finanse publiczne w oparciu o trwałe fundamenty.

I don't want to build it on rotten foundations.
Nie chcę go budować na zgniłych fundamentach.

If we give up, we will shake the foundations of our future.
Jeżeli tego zaniechamy, przyjdzie nam zapłacić za to w przyszłości.

And, as every builder knows, one must first make very solid foundations before moving on to putting the walls together.
A jak to wie każdy budowniczy, zanim zaczniemy wznosić ściany, musimy najpierw położyć bardzo solidne fundamenty.

It has not been easy, but the important foundations have been laid.
Nie było łatwo, lecz położono ważne fundamenty.

I cannot understand why those in favour of political union seem determined to build this structure on the worst possible foundations.
Nie potrafię zrozumieć, czemu zwolennicy unii politycznej tak uparcie dążą do budowania jej struktury na najgorszych możliwych fundamentach?

In fact, in my view, those foundations will often be a little more ethical.
Moim zdaniem poprawi to też w wielu przypadkach poziom etyczny tego sektora.

However, this also begs questions about the foundations of our economic and monetary union.
Nasuwa się jednak w związku z tym pytanie o podstawy naszej unii gospodarczej i walutowej.

Fundamental rights is about the very foundations of the European Union.
Prawa podstawowe to fundamenty Unii Europejskiej.

Remember, are the only foundations for the future.
Pamiętajcie, są tylko fundamenty na przyszłość.

We cannot allow ourselves to weaken the foundations of European integration.
Nie możemy sobie pozwolić na osłabienie podstaw integracji europejskiej.