Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
There are some dizzying flourishes of FX magic in this movie. Cobb and Ariadne go for a stroll in the streets of Paris, which Nolan folds and tweaks and twists, with the avenues rising and falling like a pop-up book. They encounter a street that rises in front of them like a sheer rockface and, bracing a foot against it first, like Fred Astaire dancing around the walls in Royal Wedding, they proceed to walk straight upwards. Later, Arthur will fight with goons in a virtual hotel that suddenly swivels around: they plunge down a corridor that has become vertical, like a lift shaft, and later they will float around like spacemen or lost, drowning souls in a stateroom on the Titanic. The best moment comes before any of this, when, finding themselves chatting over coffee, Cobb remarks to Ariadne that the essence of a dream is that we only remember the middle, not the beginning. For example, he wonders idly, how did they reach this cafe? With rising panic, Ariadne realises she has no idea, and that they are in a dream that Cobb has created. Playfully, brilliantly, Nolan has exploited the cinematic convention of the "cut": we, the audience, have accepted without question our own unexplained arrival in the middle of this scene.For some, the west, and Israel, must shoulder some of the blame. "The broader picture of isolation in Gaza â?? international sanctions and closure â?? is a recipe for extremism to flourish," said Shaqqura. "We are gradually moving to a monolithic society as interpreted by the ruling party. Their ideology flourishes in poverty and isolation. You can see the impact of this clearly."
Where there is no conflict, trade flourishes.
Tam, gdzie nie ma konfliktu, kwitnie handel.
Around these peaks invigorated by daily sunshine marine life flourishes in spectacular abundance.
Dookoła tych szczytów ożywianych codziennie przez słońce życie morskie rozkwita w spektakularnej obfitości.
With freedom of movement flourishes trade.
Z wolności poruszania się, kwitnie handel...
Remember, your destiny... Flourishes under a peach blossom tree.
Pamiętaj, twoje przeznaczenie... rozkwitnie pod pączkami drzewa brzoskwiniowego
They have Ruffles and Flourishes, then Hail to the Chief.
Grają Ruffles and Flourishes, i Hail to the Chief.
It is therefore questionable as to why the EU feels the need to impose its will on what is otherwise a sector that flourishes precisely because it is largely free of interference from Brussels.
W tym kontekście zastanawiające jest, dlaczego UE odczuwa potrzebę narzucania swojej woli sektorowi, który ma się tak dobrze właśnie dlatego, że w dużym stopniu jest wolny od ingerencji z Brukseli.