(Adjective) florencki, florentyński;
(Noun) florentyńczyk/florentczyk, florentynka;
adj. florencki
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"Coffee should be as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love," runs the famous Turkish proverb, painted on one wall. My flat white certainly has a complexity of flavour that puts the high street chains to shame. Popular with yummy mummies and young professionals, this long, quirkily decorated "coffee house and canteen" is, perhaps, a touch smarter than that title suggests, but the food - which, from lunch onwards, centres on ciabattas, salads and a selection of interesting stone-baked flat bread 'pizzas' - is good value. A breakfast dish of eggs Florentine (Â?6.50) is well rendered, the perfectly poached eggs perched on sweetish muffins and slathered in a creditable lemony Hollandaise.
As lifeguard Lionello Sacchelli watched over bathers including a former Italian finance minister and a football star, he recalled his favourite bather, Florentine aristocrat Anna Corsini, who was taking dips until she died last year at 98. "She was exquisite," he said. "She didn't care about designer labels and always said 'please' and 'thank you'."
A symbol of the Florentine Republic's defiance of its enemies, including Rome, when erected in 1504 at the entrance to Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall, Michelangelo's portrayal of the slayer of Goliath has remained a mascot for proud locals long after the unification of Italy.
In a nine-page document, the legal team from Rome argues that the state of Italy, not the city of Florence, is the legal successor to the Florentine Republic, which funded the purchase of the sinuous, sling-bearing David that Michelangelo daringly carved from an awkwardly sized block of Carrara marble that had lain unused in Florence for decades.
Within a few days of arriving I heard word of protest activity in the Upper Florentine Valley, a pristine corner of virgin forest under threat from various logging projects.
I decided to hitch there, and for the last part of the journey I rode with TK, a Canadian biologist who had been living at the Florentine camp for two years. He gave me a brief history of the area as we entered the forest. These Eucalyptus regnans, at 60m tall, may not be the biggest trees in the world â?? one California redwood is 98m, for example â?? but never, TK assured me, would I feel as dwarfed by nature as when among the giants of the Florentine Valley.
For an eco-friendly backpacker, the Florentine camp provided a cheap and exciting alternative to a volunteer project. Bring food donations, good conversation and a useful pair of hands and the vast Tasmanian wilderness is yours to explore. Camp life was centred on communal meals, firewood runs, clean-ups and lookout reports. Each night, wet hair and cloth steamed by a campfire under a blue tarpaulin. Plates of food were passed around â?? curried baked beans topped with fresh parsley.
A pint, one last foray into a Florentine slit for luck.
Kufel piwa i ostatni wypad do florenckiej cipki na szczęście.
How do you like those eggs Florentine?
Jak ci smakowały jajka po florencku?
He will deny them passage across Florentine lands.
Zabroni im przejść przez florenckie ziemie.
Or, if you prefer, a Florentine tapestry.
Lub, jeśli wolisz, florenckimi gobelinami.
His favorite dish was oysters Florentine.
Jego ulubionym daniem były ostrygi Florentine.
You're on Florentine soil, you sheep-biting scut and I want you out.
Jesteś na florenckiej ziemi, ty owcojebco, i masz się natychmiast wynosić.
That whole thing with Deb Florentine.
Cała ta sprawa z Deb Florentine.
Hiding behind this Florentine slit.
Ukrywając się za to florencką pizdą.