Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) kamienne płyty, płyty chodnikowe; chodnik z płyt;

(Adjective) słabnący, zanikający; słaniający się;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy








Słownik techniczny angielsko-polski

chodnik z płyt kamiennych

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Shooting groups warned of dangers in the scheme but recognise that the issue of flagging gun owners' medical records had become more prominent after the Cumbria shootings two weeks ago. Derrick Bird killed 12 people and injured 11 others after a killing spree armed with two weapons.
Simon Clarke, of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation, said while no evidence had emerged that Bird had any health problems before his rampage, the killings had refocused attention on the scheme: "The shootings in Cumbria are going to lead a wider debate about firearms licensing. The issue of flagging medical records â?? has become more prominent after the Cumbria murders." He said the results of police reviews into the Cumbria shootings must be awaited. He said gun owners would have reservations about how the scheme is operated, even if they see merit in its principle.
In its statement, the company added that "while some economic experts are flagging the risk of a 'double dip' recession, the steady recovery continues and, on that basis, we continue to target to break even at a profit before tax level for the full year."
The rise in casualties has increased public disaffection with the conflict and concerns within the military about the flagging war effort, as revealed in leaks to the Guardian, the New York Times and the German weekly Der Spiegel.
A few days later she travelled to Manchester where she met another man, Aftab Khan, who also gave her alcohol and drugs before ordering her to work as a prostitute. Over the next 10 days she was forced to have sex with a number of men for money, before flagging down a couple in the street and asking them for help.
8.29am: Not a very revealing performance by Clegg on the Today programme. He painted a picture of perfect harmony within the coalition, refusing to identify any subject on which the Tories and Lib Dems disagreed. Perhaps, given the Conservatives' positive poll rating, he sees aligning the Lib Dems as closely as possible with the Tories as the way to revive his own party's flagging poll ratings?
Second-quarter GDP figures will also be released today in the US, but in stark contrast to the UK figures, US GDP growth is expected to be revised down to an annual rate of 1.4% from 2.4%. A recent flow of gloomy data has stirred fears of a double dip in the world's largest economy, although jobless claims figures released yesterday showed a surprise drop. Investors are also hoping for some insight into whether there will be more quantitative easing to support the flagging recovery when Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke gives a speech later today.
I'll be keeping an eye on all these stories, bringing you all the breaking news, having a look at the best stories in the papers and flagging up the best politics from the web.
Reding also accused Sarkozy of a populist campaign against the Roma driven by his flagging ratings at home.
It has already injected $1.7tn (Â?1tn) through asset purchases to revive the flagging recovery.

What you little halflings are feeling right about now is your energy flagging.
No dobrze, co teraz czujecie małe gobliny? Czy uszła już z was energia?

With all these budget cuts, They're flagging everything and coming straight to me
Mimo tych cięć budżetowych, oni wyłapują wszystko i idą z tym prosto do mnie

Is this Maxwell flagging these sits?
To Maxwell pozaznaczał te punkty?

Then, if that flagging of them as a person of interest is not promptly removed, longer-term restrictions could follow, such as refusal of visas and entry, bans on employment or even arrest and detention.
Jeśli ta etykietka osoby podejrzanej nie zostanie w porę usunięta, konsekwencją mogą być długoterminowe ograniczenia, takie jak odmowa wizy czy wjazdu, zakaz podejmowania pracy czy nawet aresztowanie i zatrzymanie.