adj. przefiltrowany
adj. przefiltrowany
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
American officials are searching for Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks in an attempt to pressure him not to publish thousands of confidential and potentially hugely embarrassing diplomatic cables that offer unfiltered assessments of Middle East governments and leaders.That would mean that sex sites could be more easily filtered out from web searches, and lower their revenues. Free speech advocates also worry that sites about topics seen by US conservatives as controversial, such as homosexuality, might also be forced to use the .xxx suffix.It's interesting that Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is setting up a porn-only internet domain, where addresses will have the suffix xxx rather than www. Interesting also that porn companies are very unhappy about it. Of course they are. Never mind the self-serving flannel about censorship, dedicated space online will result in an online porn ghetto, with sex sites filtered out more efficiently, loss of passing traffic and plummeting revenue.In a post on the Google blog, the chief legal officer, David Drummond, wrote: "This redirect [to Hong Kong], which offers unfiltered search in simplified Chinese, has been working well for our users and for Google.Gilleard warned that employers were raising the bar on degrees, and graduates with a 2.2 or worse faced being filtered out by automated applications. "There are dangers in that. You can miss out on some very good candidates."Listening to deathly voices in the dark, from Quixote's moment on the hillside onwards, technologics has suggested, to those who want to listen to its broadcasts, a new, dynamic way of understanding literature â?? that is, of understanding what it is to write, who (or what) writes, and how to read it. Where the liberal-humanist sensibility has always held the literary work to be a form of self-expression, a meticulous sculpting of the thoughts and feelings of an isolated individual who has mastered his or her poetic craft, a technologically savvy sensibility might see it completely differently: as a set of transmissions, filtered through subjects whom technology and the live word have ruptured, broken open, made receptive. I know which side I'm on: the more books I write, the more convinced I become that what we encounter in a novel is not selves, but networks; that what we hear in poems is (to use the language of communications technology) not signal but noise. The German poet Rilke had a word for it: Ger?¤usch, the crackle of the universe, angels dancing in the static.Last week, she spent a whole day at the Royal Free hospital inHampstead. It started with a chest x-ray, and then moved on to having fluid with a radioactive trace injected into her arm. She then had a blood test every hour for three hours to see how much of it had been filtered out by her kidneys. After this came a scan to check that both her kidneys work equally well. Her heart was monitored with an ECG, and they also performed an angiogram of the blood vessels in her kidneys with a CT scanner.Before hopping from his balloon-attached capsule, Kittinger had described to a ground-control team his surroundings at 102,800 feet. He saw "an absolute void" â?? "beautiful but hostile". It will be worse at 120,000 feet, where Baumgartner or Fournier will be exposed to the combination of a freezing cold atmosphere and the sun's unfiltered rays. Other risks include hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), decompression sickness, even hallucinations â?? all before leaving the capsule. Any breakage or failure of equipment at this point would be catastrophic; were the suit to lose its pressurisation, for example, it would trigger a process called vaporisation whereupon the blood, in the vacuum of near-space, boils inside the body. (It was this that made Kittinger's hand enlarge so grotesquely in 1960.)Before hopping from his balloon-attached capsule, Kittinger had described to a ground-control team his surroundings at 102,800 feet. He saw "an absolute void" â?? "beautiful but hostile". It will be worse at 120,000 feet, where Baumgartner or Fournier will be exposed to the combination of a freezing cold atmosphere and the sun's unfiltered rays. Other risks include hypoxia (a lack of oxygen), decompression sickness, even hallucinations â?? all before leaving the capsule. Any breakage or failure of equipment at this point would be catastrophic; were the suit to lose its pressurisation, for example, it would trigger a process called vaporisation whereupon the blood, in the vacuum of near-space, boils inside the body. (It was this that made Kittinger's hand enlarge so grotesquely in 1960.)It's a potent formula: Hoipolloi have put their other work on hold for two years, to concentrate on "the Hugh project". Radio and film outings are in the pipeline, as is "the biggest Hugh Hughes show yet" at the National Theatre Wales. For that show, Dale-Jones returns to Anglesey, to reconstruct the story of Hugh's childhood. "What's really fun with Hugh is that, to understand the world, he compares everything to Llangefni and Anglesey. 'Oh, he's just like Gwilym the butcher, the way he stands there, and his hair . . .' Everything is filtered through these first 18 years."
The water of their bathroom, him it filtered that of them.
Woda ciekła z jego łazienki na dół do ich mieszkania.
My glorious prose, filtered through the minds of the insane.
Moja znakomita proza przepuszczona przez umysły obłąkanych.
Why is it filtered by the Ministry of the Interior?
Dlaczego miesza się w to Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych?
If added charges are levied across Europe, the extra cost is ultimately filtered to the consumer.
Jeśli w całej Europie rozpocznie się ściąganie dodatkowych opłat, to dodatkowe koszty w zostaną w końcu przeniesione na konsumentów.
Because the faintest light filtered down from above.
Bo z góry przenikało delikatne światło.
Unfortunately, to date the compensation package has not filtered fully down to either farmers or contractors.
Niestety, jak dotąd pakiet wyrównawczy nie dotarł całkowicie ani do rolników, ani do usługodawców.
In certain countries, however, the Internet is filtered, and many websites, considered anti-government, are banned.
Jednakże w niektórych krajach Internet jest filtrowany, a wiele witryn internetowych uważanych za antyrządowe jest zakazanych.
But every single drop is filtered.
Każda kropla jest filtrowana i sprawdzana.
Is it proportionate and fair that the proceedings are filtered by the Ministry of the Interior?
Czy jest zachowana zasada proporcjonalności i uczciwości, jeżeli na postępowania sądowe ma wpływ Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych?
The notifications have probably been received by the offices but have not yet filtered through into the minds and consciousness of the administrators.
Urzędy przypuszczalnie otrzymały powiadomienia, jednak jeszcze nie przeniknęły one do umysłów i świadomości administratorów.
To summarise, I would therefore like to congratulate all my colleagues, and to say that I hope the responsibility has filtered through to everyone.
Podsumowując, chciałbym pogratulować wszystkim kolegom i powiedzieć, że mam nadzieję, że odpowiedzialność dotarła do wszystkich.
Is our? Our solvent filtered?
Czy nasz rozpuszczalnik jest przefiltrowany?
This room has filtered air, filtered water.
W tym pomieszczeniu są filtry powietrza, filtry wody.
This was filtered out in the vote in the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, to the concern of many of us.
Wielu z nas z zaniepokojeniem przyjęło usunięcie tych elementów w trakcie głosowania w Komisji Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności.
He is tuned in to Parliament's concerns, but I regret that the Council's empty chair is a living example of the political deafness that has filtered through every presidency.
Jest on wrażliwy na obawy Parlamentu, choć żałuję, że miejsce Rady jest puste, co jest żywym dowodem na polityczną głuchotę, charakterystyczną dla każdej prezydencji.
Do you feel, aside from the comprehensive answer you have given me, that there is some scope for identifying whether the Roma and other groups are in fact being targeted well, or whether money is being filtered in other places?
Czy myśli pani, abstrahując od wyczerpującej odpowiedzi, jakiej mi pani udzieliła, że istnieje pewien zakres dla określenia, czy fundusze są rzeczywiście prawidłowo ukierunkowane w odniesieniu do Romów i innych grup, czy też przenikają one do innych miejsc?
I am concerned, however, as to what the conclusions of the G20 will be and what the real effects will be on society, since the results that have filtered through at the level of EU Member States are so far neither tangible nor visible.
Mam jednak pewne obawy co do tego, jakie wnioski wynikną ze szczytu G-20 i jakie rzeczywiste skutki przyniesie on dla społeczeństwa, ponieważ rezultaty, które pozostały po przefiltrowaniu ich przez szczebel państw członkowskich UE, nie są ani widoczne, ani namacalne.
Consequently, within Parliament, there is nothing new, except to say that, a touch of anxiety - that is a polite way of saying it - has all the same filtered into our debates. This is caused by the financial and economic crisis that we are facing at the present time.
W Parlamencie nie dzieje się zatem nic nowego, z wyjątkiem tego, że w naszych dyskusjach pojawia się jednak cień niepokoju - pozwolę sobie ująć to w grzecznych słowach - który zaszczepił nam obecny kryzys gospodarczy.