(Noun) Eden, raj, rajski ogród;
n (także the Garden of Eden - )raj, rajski ogród
bibl. raj
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
9.10am: So, to today's matches, starting with Holland v Denmark. Certainly on form alone, the Dutch are rightly one of the five or six favourites for the World Cup - they had a 100% record in qualifying, have beaten some decent teams in the warm-up and have a forward line of Arjen Robben - when fit - Wesley Sneijder and Robin Van Persie, with Rafael van der Vaart, Dirk Kuyt and Hamburg winger Ejero Elia also able to come in. But can you trust their defence? Joris Mathijsen and Johnny Heitinga are not the strongest centre-backs in this tournament, while 35-year-old Giovianni van Bronckhorst looks like he wlll be plugging away at left back. They may prove to be the European Argentina; great going forward but susceptible to a well-organised and defensively well prepared side. Could that side be Denmark, who they play today? In Danes' favour, they topped perhaps the toughest European qualifying group ahead of Portugal and Sweden - but on paper they look ordinary.
Capello relished the devastation Cole is capable of when he scored with a wonderful 30-yarder against Sweden at the 2006 World Cup and laid on Steven Gerrard's goal in the 2-2 draw. He got Capello's full attention in a first England appearance since September 2008 when he was a brisk substitute in the friendly with Japan. Suddenly Cole was more than just a man whose prospects had been clouded ever since a cruciate ligament injury. The player's task now is to demonstrate that he is part of the remedy for England's sluggishness.
Grant sobered up, retreated to New York and joined mainstream society, working in a hospital as a Russian medical interpreter and waiting tables, though he still kept up the song writing. That stability is one of the reasons why it took Midlake several attempts to persuade him to return to music, along with Grant's ever-present self-doubt. He's now glad he did, his confidence boosted by indulging his Abba obsession during a promo tour of Sweden at the beginning of the year, and by the reception for Queen of Denmark.
To this work, [a Goldman Sachs study found] that "the three governments that have executed the most high-profile expenditure-based deficit reductions â?? Ireland in 1987, Sweden in 1994 and Canada in 1994 â?? were all of them re-elected".
Norell said the controversy has extended to neighbouring Norway and Sweden after newspapers there republished the cartoons and later published similar cartoons.
11.06am: The "Big Society" event is still going on. Downing Street is streaming it live. Rory Stewart, the new Tory MP for Penrith and the Border, has just explained why Eden Valley in Cumbria wants to be a "vanguard community". He said it was a rural place with a low population density where people were used to doing things for themselves. But some government rules were getting in the way, he said. He said that one librarian complained to him recently that in order to change a lightbulb, she needed to get an electrician from a town almost 50 miles away.
These buildings include the Eden Project in Cornwall, Tate Modern, Selfridges in Birmingham, the New Art Gallery in Walsall, Will Alsop's Hotel du Department in Marseille, Zaha Hadid's Phaeno Science Centre in Wolfsburg and her BMW Central Building in Leipzig. The British Library in St Pancras, London, should also have won: although unfashionable and controversial when it opened, its quality becomes more apparent with each passing year.
But the all-British team of designers and engineers, which includes Eden project architects Grimshaw, is in stiff competition with other groups. Earlier this year US wind company Clipper, which has close ties with the US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, announced plans to build 10MW "Britannia" turbines in north-east England.
The Sweden of Henning Mankell and Stieg Larsson - all shadowy rightwing conspiracies and prostitution rings â?? might not be so far from the truth
Here is the image of Sweden with which we've grown familiar, an image of which the Swedes themselves are understandably proud. It's the utopian vision of the Folkhemmet or "people's home" that, in one way or another, the Swedes have been conscientiously cultivating and exporting for almost a century.
She wanted to get to New Eden before the baby came.
Chciała dotrzeć do Nowego Edenu przed rozwiązaniem.
Eden said you asked her to bring Anagress to your house.
Eden mówiła, że prosiłeś ją żeby przywiozła tu Anagress .
And one night my daughter Eden came to me.
Pewnej nocy przyszła do mnie moja córka Eden,
Eden Valley will never stand for your kind of scum.
Eden Valley nigdy nie stanie w twojej obronie.
Eden, I still think that the a bad plan.
Eden, nadal myślę,że to był kiepski plan.
What legal right does Eden have to lead this country to war?'
Jakie prawo ma Eden, by prowadzić ten kraj na wojnę?'
No, human nature hasn't changed since the Garden of Eden.
Nie, ludzka natura nie zmieniła się od czasów ogrodów Eden.
And with ten to go in the second, it doesn't look good for Eden Hall.
I z dziesięciu, by pójść w drugim, to nie wygląda dobrze dla edenu Sala.
Your friends tried to escape from the Garden of Eden.
Twoi przyjaciele próbowali uciec z Ogrodu Edenu.
It will take us closer to the Garden of Eden.
Ona pozwoli nam się zbliżyć do ogrodów Edenu.
Oh, it's hard to accept that I will never see Eden again.
Trudno jest pogodzić się z faktem, że nigdy więcej nie zobaczę Eden.
After what he did to Eden, he'd deserve it.
Po tym, co zrobił Eden, zasłużył na to.
But please say there is still room for me in your new Eden, Mama!
Proszę, powiedz, że jest dla mnie miejsce w nowym Edenie!
Eden Brent, who plays the other woman, arrived second.
Eden Brent, gra inną kobietę, przybyła druga.
Where's the only place she could go? Eden East, the singles' side.
Jedyne miejsce gdzie mogła pójść... ..to Eden Wschodni.
They can think what they want but New Eden was real.
Mogą myśleć, co chcą, ale Nowy Eden istniał.
Yep, you'd think this place was the Garden of Eden.
Mógłbyś pomyśleć, że to miasto to rajski ogród.
It may well be that the Garden of Eden today is underwater.
To może dobrze być, że Ogród edenu dzisiaj jest podwodny.
I'd like to talk to you about Eden.
Chciałbym pomówić z tobą o Eden.
We were all keen to begin new, independent lives in this new Eden.
Chcieliśmy wszyscy zacząć niezależne życie w tym nowym raju.
Eden Hall is a great chance for you.
Eden Sala jest wielką szansą dla ciebie.
This must be very near the Garden of Eden.
Gdzieś w tej okolicy musi być Rajski Ogród.
To a new Earth, a new Eden, where you can begin again.
Na nową Ziemię, do nowego Raju, gdzie możecie zacząć wszystko od nowa.
Imagine you get at Eden in the forest.
Wyobraź sobie, że przyjeżdżasz do Edenu przez las.
I will be escorting you to the Eden West resort.
Będę się wami opiekował w Edenie Zachodu.
I'm now a top attraction at the Eden Project.
Jestem teraz główną atrakcją w Eden Project.
That would be more appropriate at the Eden East.
To jest bardziej odpowiednie dla Edenu Wschodniego.
But, here, in this pleasant garden of Eden where we are now, unexplored territories.
Ale tu, w tym pięknym ogrodzie Edenu, gdzie jesteśmy teraz, niezbadane terytoria.
So is it possible that the Garden of Eden was
Tak jest to możliwe, że Ogród edenu był usytuowanym tu na planeta Ziemi?
The winner can truly say that he is the symbol of Eden Hall.
Zwycięzca może naprawdę powiedzieć że on jest symbolem edenu Sala.
There is no time to be sentimental, Eden.
Nie ma czasu na sentymenty, Eden.
So Eden gets what he asks for and you and I are left behind.
Więc Edem dostał to, o co prosił. A my z tobą pozostaliśmy poza grą.
I'd like to welcome the future state champs, the Eden Hall freshmen.
Chciałbym powitać przyszłość chrupania stanu, eden Sala studenci pierwszego roku.
And the faith reserved by Eden Log for it's immigrant population.
I o losie jakim Eden Log zgotował populacji imigrantów. Nadal istnieją prawa.
But you said Eden's a living man.
Sam powiedziałeś, że Edem jest żywym człowiekiem.
Is this the shuttle for the Eden resort?
To prom do ośrodka Eden?
Somewhere, deep down,I know that Eden's a good kid.
Gdzieś w głębi, wiem, że Eden jest dobrym dzieckiem.
You make duelling sound like a pastime in the Garden of Eden.
Mówi pan tak jakby pojedynkowanie się było jakimś hobby w Ogrodach Edenu.
They ought to have a policeman like this in the Eden Musee.
Musieli mieć policjanta jak ten w Muzie Edenu.
Annie wants to go to Preston. The school where Eden goes.
Annie chce iść do Preston, szkoły, do której chodzi Eden.
New Eden was just beyond the mountains.
Nowy Eden był zaraz po drugiej stronie gór.
I've come to the Eden Project in Cornwall to try to understand it.
Przybyłem do Eden Project w Kornwalii, aby to zrozumieć.
Listen, this is not the Garden of Eden.
Słuchaj, to nie jest rajski ogród.
At Eden Hall, I learned to care about tradition.
W edenie Sala, Nauczyłem się troszczyć się o tradycję.
But without United Nations support, Eden leaves himself vulnerable.
Ale bez wsparcia Eden jest bezbronny.
Eden lied to his Cabinet, his party and the Commons?
Eden okłamywał swój gabinet, swoją partię i Izbę Gmin?
Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete.
Eden Sala Akademia wymaga ciebie aby utrzymać średnia C, by rywalizować.
Here is He who comes from Eden.
Oto ten, który przybył z raju!
Go find Prouty in the Garden of Eden and finish the deal.
Pójdź znaleźć Prouty w Ogrodach Edenu i zakończ umowę.