Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) inteligentnie; sprytnie; zręcznie; pomysłowo;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

In 2007, Leonard tried a novel medium â?? a YouTube video â?? to convey the message. The Story of Stuff was a frank and cleverly animated short film telling the story of the American love affair with stuff and how it is quite literally trashing the planet. Three years on and it's a viral online phenomenon; seen by 10 million people in homes and classrooms all over the world. Now she has followed up the video with a book of the same name.
Ostensibly, this is your typical contemporary cafe-diner. It's all big picture windows; bright, curious art; and casual dining from a modish menu that mixes tapas with mains like grilled mackerel with a warm horseradish, avocado and Jersey Royal salad. However, SSBD's food is quality stuff, shot through with a certain creative flair, which differentiates it from the competition. For instance, a sweet, meaty dish of good chorizo cooked in cider is cleverly offset by the iron, charred, nutty notes that a few green beans and toasted almonds add to the dish. It is same, same, but ever so slightly different.
I have to say though, that I didn't expect leaving Morecambe to be such a wrench. If you should read a "top 10 hotels with great sea views" that doesn't include the town's Midland Hotel â?? an art-deco swirl of stone all alone on the front â?? it's not much of a list. In the morning I drew the curtains to gaze on what looked like a thousand islands dissolving into a blazing Irish Sea, but turned out to be a huge sweep of Cumbrian coastline and some cleverly placed sea mist.
The Secret in Her Eyes isn't, in fact, as good as either The White Ribbon or A Prophet, but it is a supremely watchable, well-made and well-acted movie with a dark, sinewy sense of history: a tremendously slick thriller from a director who has worked on American TV shows such as Law and Order and House. His movie may in fact be rather closer to boxset-quality television drama than cinema. But respect has to be paid right away to Campanella's most delirious big-screen flourish: an unbroken travelling shot that begins soaring over a football stadium during an evening match, swooping down into the stands where a suspected felon is being sought, tensely following him into the lavatories and then out on to the field itself, bringing play to a halt. It looks like a mix of CGI and a colossal real-world crowd scene, with the join cleverly concealed.
"Meanwhile, the porn industry has cleverly marketed itself though men's magazines as a world where women are sexually liberated and empowered. The reality is very different. The effect of being in that industry is devastating, with 68% of women suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder."
We wove in and out of each other at high speed â?? a pirouette here, a backbend there. Karen cleverly invented celeb-friendly terms to cue us into the steps: "Call for a taxi!" she cried when we were supposed to lift one arm, and "Wipe my boobs!' when those same arms needed to come down in a path across our bodies. My favorite was the "Noo-noo wipe", which involved us women firmly straddling the men's knees and diving backwards for a sweep of our upper bodies. Oh yes, it was hot. But I hate to think what the pro dancers thought of us, and would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in their changing rooms. It was like a bunch of top surgeons coaching a team of novices for a week, then letting them operate . . . Come to think of it, what a brilliant idea for a TV show: Strictly Come Lancing!
To have Beyonc?© model in your show when only 100 people get to see the image sets a new standard for the meaning of power in the fashion industry. By pulling off this coup, Ford has infused his new line with the very highest cachet. But more significant for the fashion industry is the fact that Ford, returning to women's fashion after several years, is questioning the entire value system of maximum exposure round which it is currently built. Ford is a lifelong provocateur (this is the man who art-directed the infamous YSL advertisements of a naked Sophie Dahl, back arched and eyes closed, which caused a tabloid outcry), but he is also an extremely astute businessman. When he left Gucci in 2004, he did so with a personal fortune of $200m (Â?130m), having managed his stock options cleverly as the company rose.
David Fincher's direction creates just the right intensity and claustrophobia for a story that takes place largely in a stupefyingly male environment at Harvard University in 2003, shown in flashback from various acrimonious legal proceedings. Here, computer-science student Zuckerberg has the same sense of entitlement and self-congratulation as everyone else, but combined with social resentment about being barred from snobby fraternities and clubs. When his girlfriend Erica (Rooney Mara) breaks up with him, the director shows how the emotionally wounded Zuckerberg embarks on a retaliatory campaign not far from the sinister world of Fincher's serial-killer films Se7en and Zodiac. He blogs vengefully about Erica and, in an evil-genius frenzy, creates Facemash, a spiteful and misogynistic site that invites the guys to rate campus girls against each other. (Slightly leniently, the movie explains it away a little by emphasising that Zuckerberg has had a couple of beers.) It is from this beginning that the smilier, friendlier Facebook emerges. But we have been cleverly shown the site's nastier, more paranoid origins: a clue to its unspoken world of friend-number envy, cyber-stalking and anxiety about having no friends at all.
A source with close knowledge of the events said a large box was found by employees carrying out screening checks in the UPS facility at East Midlands. Initial checks were inconclusive and the UPS flight, which had come from Yemen, was allowed to fly on to the US without the box on board. But the discovery of a freight bomb in Dubai prompted a further check which revealed that a toner cartridge for a Hewlett Packard printer contained a hidden suspect device. The source said the bomb was "cleverly disguised" and a "substantial" device which contained explosives. It was wired with a mobile phone, most likely to act as a timer to detonate the device.
In one wall-mounted video loop, it rather cleverly pairs the famous scene from Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator â?? showing Napaloni, dictator of Bacteria, arriving by train to be greeted by Adenoid Hynkel, dictator of Tomania â?? with some actual newsreel footage of Mussolini arriving by train to visit Hitler in 1937. (The real leaders do visibly compete in strutting and arm-waving.) Now that Great Dictator scene is, of course, very funny; but my wife and I seemed to be the only people laughing. No laughter please, we're German â?? and, more to the point, Germans visiting an exhibition about Hitler.

Not unless you think the cancer's cleverly hiding outside his body.
Nie, jeśli uważasz, że rak Sprytnie chowa się na zewnątrz ciała.

I mean, cleverly, so that the law can't touch him.
Tak sprytnie, że prawnie nie ma się do czego przyczepić.

You use words very cleverly, but there's something about it that scares me.
Jesteś bardzo wyważonym rozmówcą, ale coś w tym jest co mnie przeraża.

And I was cleverly standing in the front yard when one cameover the hill.
A ja akurat stałam na naszym podwórku, kiedy tornadonadciągnęło zza wzgórza.

You're no ordinary girl. you cleverly freed yourself from his clutches.
Nie jesteś zwykłą dziewczyną, sprytnie uwolniłaś się z jego szponów.

Bill Wolverton from analyzed it cleverly in the'70s.
Bill Wolverton z sprytnie zanalizował to w latach70-tych.

But this information is very cleverly hidden.
Te informacje są sprytnie ukryte.

Cleverly concealed in the hangman's knot was a hook.
Za węzłem ukryty był hak.

For months this cleverly staged psychodrama has been holding Parliament and other international bodies in suspense.
Od wielu miesięcy ta sprytnie zaaranżowana psychodrama trzyma w napięciu Parlament Europejski i inne instytucje.

Return themjust as cleverly as you took them.
Oddaj je po cichu, tak samo jak je buchnąłeš.

White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide-open enclosures.
Plaża z białym piaseczkiem... Wierna symulacja środowiska naturalnego, przestrzenne wybiegi.

A cleverly designed financial transaction tax would provide such a revenue, while simultaneously curbing speculation on financial markets.
Mądrze zaprojektowany podatek od transakcji finansowych przyniósłby takie kwoty, ograniczając jednocześnie spekulację na rynkach finansowych.

Mr President, you very cleverly observed today that we had a Member reading a speech from an iPad for the first time.
Panie Przewodniczący! Jak bardzo trafnie zauważył Pan dziś, jeden z posłów po raz pierwszy odczytał swoje przemówienie z iPada.

Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the decision we have taken is a smart one and it has been cleverly presented.
Panie przewodniczący, pani komisarz, panie i panowie! Podjęta przez nas decyzja jest mądra i została inteligentnie zaprezentowana.

cleverly disguised as a cement factory.
Sprytnie zakamuflowany jako fabryka cementu.

Mr Brown's cleverly disguised appearance at the Paris Eurogroup summit was a notable achievement of the French presidency.
Godnym uwagi osiągnięciem francuskiej prezydencji było sprytnie zamaskowane pojawienie się pana Browna podczas paryskiego szczytu Eurogrupy.

The EU should therefore take a leaf out of China's book, particularly since Beijing is cleverly linking development aid to the supply of raw materials.
UE powinna więc wyjąć kartę z ręki Chin, gdyż Pekin sprytnie łączy pomoc rozwojową z dostawą surowców.

In other words, we get a clear picture of the ALDE Group's view of agricultural policy, although it has been worded very cleverly.
Innymi słowy, otrzymujemy jednoznaczny obraz stanowiska ALDE w kwestii polityki rolnej, nawet jeżeli zostało ono sformułowane w sposób bardzo zręczny.

The cleverly targeted sanctions being proposed, in combination with the financing of non-governmental organisations as EU mercenaries, constitute the most shameless open intervention in countries' internal affairs.
Proponowane sankcje, sprytnie ukierunkowane, w połączeniu z finansowaniem organizacji pozarządowych jako najemników UE, stanowią najbardziej bezwstydną otwartą interwencję w wewnętrzne sprawy państw.

This hysteria is cleverly maintained through the speeches by the President of the Commission, and also by the former President of Parliament, presenting us with the unimaginable cataclysms which they claim will result from climate change.
Histeria ta jest umiejętnie podtrzymywana wystąpieniami przewodniczącego Komisji, a także byłego przewodniczącego Parlamentu, poprzez straszenie niewyobrażalnymi kataklizmami wskutek zmian klimatycznych.