(Noun) geografia Bośnia;
bosnian - (Adjective) bośniacki;
bosnia and herzegovina - (Noun) geografia Bośnia i Hercegowina;
bosnian - (Noun) Bośniak/Bośniaczka;
bosnia and herzegovina - (Noun) geografia Bośnia i Hercegowina;
bosnian - (Noun) Bośniak/Bośniaczka;
geogr. Bośnia
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It represents a significant step away from dependency for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dla Bośni i Hercegowiny oznacza to istotny krok na drodze do uniezależnienia się.
The first European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina is inaugurated.
Inauguracja pierwszej misji policyjnej Unii Europejskiej w Bośni i Hercegowinie.
And we must not forget Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo.
Nie możemy też zapominać o Albanii, Bośni i Hercegowinie, Czarnogórze i Kosowie.
We are going to follow the same method for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Zamierzamy użyć tej samej metody w stosunku do Albanii oraz Bośni i Hercegowiny.
2009 is an important year and it could be decisive for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Rok 2009 jest bardzo ważny i może mieć dla Bośni i Hercegowiny decydujące znaczenie.
A UN war crimes tribunal has meted out historic life sentences on two Bosnian Serb officers for genocide perpetrated in Bosnia 15 years ago.
"We lost, triumphantly," says Grebo, now a professor of law at Sarajevo University, but with wilder eyes than one would expect from a law professor. "In the long term, that is, because of what Bosnia has become: a dysfunctional, unsustainable state based on the ethnic and nationalistic divisions we were combating from the start with Radio Zid." When the necessary electricity was available, Grebo elected to "use the perfect medium, radio, in a city under siege, without television and in danger from all sides and in all ways â?? physical and politically. The point was to get on air, but resist broadcasting militaristic songs. Our message was: remember who you are â?? you are urban people, workers, cultured people. We thought the situation called for Pink Floyd, Hendrix and good country music, rather than militaristic marches."
Among those involved working to stage the Sarajevo concerts and bring aid were a music professor from Glasgow named Nigel Osborne and a film director, Bill Leeson. We met last week at a pub called the Constitution on the canal at Camden in London, just a block away from the Serious Road Trip offices, which would also, later, become the HQ for the charity they would found in 1993, War Child. "I got hooked," says Leeson. "I don't know why. I used to come back and try to talk about concentration camps and mass rape and women and kids getting shelled an hour away by plane, and no one gave a monkey's. It drove me nuts. But while there in Sarajevo, among the first things I noticed was that whenever the electricity came on, you heard music, everywhere. Of course, it's obvious," says Leeson â?? a strange observation in a place where people were being ripped apart by shrapnel, but in the unique atmosphere of Sarajevo in 1993, it was obvious. "I couldn't believe what I was hearing back home," says Osborne. "I was doing my best to get around Bosnia to find out more about what we could do to help, and all we got back in England was the hatred and fascism of the politicians in Bosnia not only echoed, but amplified and endorsed by John Major's government â?? going on about "ancient ethnic hatreds". So I thought: fuck them â?? and please quote that â?? we need to do something."
"Rock'n'roll," continues Osborne, "is inherently democratic, whatever is done in its name. Against third-rate politics, in Bosnia and across Europe, we pitched first-rate music. If the local fascist politicians were going to have their speaker system in the John Major government and at the UN, then we were going to have our speaker system too."
Among the most important developments to emerge from the War Child project in Mostar was a remarkable revival in sevdah music. One of the young singers involved has become by far the most important Balkan figure on the international scene: not a rock singer, let alone a singer of the awful techno "turbofolk" genre that emerged from Belgrade, but a Sevdah singer, with a difference. Amira Medunjanin first recorded with the Mostar Sevdah Reunion, and her latest album, Zumra â?? on which she is accompanied by the Netherlands-based Bosnian accordionist Merima Kljuco â?? is both the most beautiful piece of "love, desire and ecstasy" (the meaning of the Ottoman word "sevdah") music to emerge from the Balkans since the war, and also the most poignant, laced with some lachrymose yearning for whatever it is that Bosnia has lost, and for which Sevdah stands. The soundscape is extraordinary â?? back to Sevdah's roots, but taking the listener forward and beyond some postwar psychedelic tapestry through which strains of jazz and blues are sewn. To close the circle into a narrative of love, music and war, Amira became Bekim Medunjanin's wife.
He accuses the last Tory government of ignoring Bosnia and getting involved in a beef war with Europe. "That's what happens when the cynics win," he says.
Slovenia has a population of around 2 million, the majority of whom are native Slovene, and immigration is more common from ex-Yugoslavian countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. There are very few black people living there. The town of Piran, which lies on the Gulf of Piran on the Adriatic Sea, has a population of around 17,000.
The hinge events, of course, were the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. He had previously held positions that were unpopular on the left â?? preferring the British government to the Argentinian fascist junta during the Falklands conflict, and calling for American intervention to stop the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia â?? but his support for the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan proved to be a step too far for his anti-imperialist comrades.
There appear to be two main criticisms of this stance. Either people think he's a bonkers Islamophobe â?? though many who do were content enough to leave Muslims to their bloody fate in Bosnia â?? or they believe such antagonistic talk only serves to create the problem it seeks to prevent. Hitchens is contemptuous of the former, but scathing of the latter. He says that those who tell him to tread more softly believe that the price of not doing so is more violence. "Oh I see, so you're always aware when you're contesting the holders of this view of the threat that lies behind it? Would you care for their opinions if it wasn't for that? Or are you telling me you'd be reading their stuff just for the sheer pleasure of it. I don't think so. If you say that this looks like war, you're accused of liking it. Not true. Demonstrably not true."
I even wonder at times where the glass is, when it comes to Bosnia.
W przypadku Bośni czasami zastanawiam się wręcz, gdzie jest ta przysłowiowa szklanka.
I been in a lot of wars, but never one like Bosnia.
Byłem na wielu wojnach, ale żadna nie była taka jak w Bośni.
I still can't believe he survived the blast in Bosnia.
Nadal nie mogę uwierzyć, że przeżył eksplozję w Bośni.
So I ask her if she knows anything about Bosnia.
Ja się pytam, czy wiedzą co się stało w Bośni?
Last year in Bosnia I felt exactly the same way.
W zeszłym roku, w Bośni... czułam się dokładnie tak samo.
Let us ensure that what happened in Bosnia is not repeated.
Zadbajmy o to, aby nie powtórzyło się to, co stało się w Bośni.
Bosnia and Herzegovina simply cannot be allowed to remain behind.
Po prostu nie można dopuścić, by Bośnia i Hercegowina została w tyle.
I, personally, experienced the war in Bosnia and finally left the country as a refugee.
Sama osobiście doświadczyłam wojny w Bośni i ostatecznie opuściłam kraj jako uchodźca.
I'm no more responsible for my decisions here than a death squad soldier in Bosnia?
Więc nie jestem bardziej odpowiedzialny za moje decyzje niż, np. żołnierz brygady śmierci w Bośni?
A majority rejected these solutions and wishes to stay in Bosnia.
Większość odrzuciła te rozwiązania i pragnie naszej dalszej obecności w Bośni.
It is unfortunate, however, that Bosnia has been omitted from this package.
Niefortunnie jednak w przedmiotowym pakiecie pomija się Bośnię.
The travel was in Bosnia for the government.
Podróż była do Bośni dla rządu.
Bosnia is close to having its visa requirements lifted.
Bośnia jest blisko zniesienia wymogów wizowych.
You said that you have a strategy for Bosnia.
Mówiła pani, że ma strategię dla Bośni.
You could walk over it from Bosnia into Serbia.
Mogłem przejść przez nią z Bośni do Serbii.
We see that at the moment in Bosnia where, well after the end of the war, a sustainable solution for peace has still not being found.
Widzimy na przykład, że w Bośni nie znaleziono dotychczas, długo po wojnie, trwałego rozwiązania pokojowego.
I lost my first family in Bosnia.
Pierwszą rodzinę straciłam w Bośni.
What you came to Bosnia to get.
To, po co przyjechaliście do Bośni.
They used to say that about Bosnia.
Tak zwykło się mówić o Bośni.
Prison in Bosnia probably makes prison here feel like a five-star resort.
Więzienie w Bośni Prawdopodobnie robi wrażenie Tutejsze to Pięciogwiazdkowy kurort.
We have an F-18 down in southern Bosnia.
Mamy zestrzelonego F-15 w południowej Bośni.
The political dialogue in Bosnia does not, however, indicate any interest in achieving this.
Jednakże dialog polityczny toczący się w Bośni nie sugeruje żadnego zainteresowania osiągnięciem tego.
However, it is Bosnia and Herzegovina which causes me much more concern.
Dużo bardziej niepokoi mnie sprawa Bośni i Hercegowiny.
Bosnia is love, and a flower in my hair...
Bośnia jest miłością i kwiatem w mych włosach...
In terms of form of government and jurisdiction, a great deal needs to be done in Bosnia.
W Bośni wiele jeszcze trzeba zrobić pod względem formy rządu i jurysdykcji.
Then one asks oneself, what will become of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
W związku z tym zadajemy sobie pytanie, co stanie się z Bośnią i Hercegowiną?
Bosnia Herzegovina must carry out significant changes to its internal structures and decision-making processes.
Bośnia i Hercegowina musi wprowadzić istotne zmiany w swoich strukturach wewnętrznych i w procesach decyzyjnych.
It will result, above all, in the Muslim citizens of Bosnia feeling discriminated against.
Przede wszystkim przedmiotowa liberalizacja spowoduje poczucie dyskryminacji u muzułmańskich obywateli Bośni.
You also said, however, that Bosnia has stabilised.
Stwierdziła pani również, że sytuacja w Bośni się ustabilizowała.
Clearly, this also applies to relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dotyczy to oczywiście również stosunków z Bośnią i Hercegowiną.
The crime rates in Bosnia today are lower than they are inSweden.
Dziś wskaźnik przestępczości w Bośni jest niższy niż wSzwecji.
Bosnia and Herzegovina was never said to be a bigger security problem than Kosovo.
Nigdy nie powiedziano, że Bośnia i Hercegowina stanowią większy problem w zakresie bezpieczeństwa niż Kosowo.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are still many refugees who have not been able to return to their homes.
W Bośni i Hercegowinie nadal jest sporo uchodźców, którym nie udało się powrócić do swoich domów.
Bosnia is not ready for EU membership, not by a long shot.
Bośnia jest daleka od gotowości przystąpienia do UE.
It represents a significant step away from dependency for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dla Bośni i Hercegowiny oznacza to istotny krok na drodze do uniezależnienia się.
As far as Bosnia and Herzegovina is concerned, the country must move forward.
Jeśli chodzi o Bośnię i Hercegowinę, kraj ten musi iść naprzód.
Almost 90% of the criteria laid down by the Commission have thus been met by Bosnia.
Bośnia spełniła dotychczas prawie 90 % kryteriów ustanowionych przez Komisję.
And Bosnia will be at peace.
A w Bośnie będzie pokój.
Me and Mike go back to Bosnia.
Mike i ja mamy zamiar wrócić do Bośni.
We can bomb every Muslim's house in Bosnia.
Możemy zbombardować każdy Muzułmański dom na terenie Bośni.
It's better than living in Bosnia.
To lepsze niż życie w Bośni.
A little wet job in Bosnia.
Mała mokra robota w Bośni.
We've only had refugees from Bosnia.
Mamy tylko uchodźców z Bośni, Muzułmanów.
He was on the same A-team as I was in Bosnia.
Był w tej samej drużynie A co ja, w Bośni.
2009 is an important year and it could be decisive for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Rok 2009 jest bardzo ważny i może mieć dla Bośni i Hercegowiny decydujące znaczenie.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular, achieved great progress on this score during the summer, judging by reports from independent organisations.
Sądząc po sprawozdaniach autorstwa niezależnych organizacji, Bośnia i Hercegowina poczyniła w tym względzie w okresie letnim szczególnie duże postępy.
That seems to be happening in Bosnia, which is sliding alarmingly towards dysfunction if not destruction.
Wygląda na to, że dzieje się tak w Bośni, która niepokojąco zmierza ku dysfunkcji, o ile nie ku destrukcji.
I experienced the siege of Sarajevo and was in the war in Bosnia for years.
Doświadczyłam oblężenia Sarajewa i spędziłam wiele lat w warunkach wojny w Bośni.
The fact that we are only a few days after the elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina makes this issue particularly relevant.
Fakt, że od wyborów w Bośni i Hercegowinie upłynęło tylko kilka dni, czyni tę sprawę szczególnie istotną.
Or his mercenary career in Bosnia.
Albo o służbę najemną w Bośnii.