block; (dom mieszkalny) blockhouse; tech. unit; polit. bloc
~ betonowy - concrete block; concrete blockhouse
~ danych - inf. data block
~ kamienny - stone block
~ karny - punishment block
~ mieszkalny - block of flats, block of dwellings, apartment block, high-rise flats
~ militarny - military bloc
~ mocarstw - power bloc
~ pamięci - inf. memory unit
~ polityczny - political bloc
~ przeciwstawny - opposing bloc
~ ruchu oporu - polit. bloc of resistance
~ sojuszniczy - alliance bloc
~ wojskowy - military bloc
1. (a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides)
block, cube
2. (a group of countries in special alliance)
bloc, axis: :
3. ( (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted
"since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably")
block: :
4. (housing in a large building that is divided into separate units
"there is a block of classrooms in the west wing")
block: :
5. (a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit
"he reserved a large block of seats"
"he held a large block of the company's stock")
block: :
6. (block providing bracing for a runner's feet at start of a race)
starting block: : synonim: blok startowy
7. (a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge)
pad, pad of paper, tablet: :
(budynek, bryła) block
(np. krajów) bloc
~ do szkicowania sketch pad
~ listowy writing pad
~ mieszkalny block of flats, (US) apartment house
~~mieszkalny z mieszkaniami własnościowymi (US) condominium
~ rysunkowy drawing pad
n masc C
1. (bryła) block.
2. (budynek) block of flats.
3. (zeszyt) note-pad
writing-pad: ~ rysunkowy drawing pad.
4. (związek państw, partii itd.) bloc
5. (sport): ~ startowy starting block.
6. (sport, w siatkówce) block (ing) .
7. (tech) pulley
block, pad~ biurowy - notepad~ mieszkaniowy - block of flats~ szpitalny - hospital block~ więzienny - prison block~ wyborczy - election block
block ~ walutowy currency block
m bloc, block ~ biurowy notepad ~ szpitalny hospital block ~ walutowy currency block ~ więzienny H-block
(m) block
block n, suite n
1. block
2. compound pulley
block, arrest of impulse passage, blockade, fusion of bones, suite, cube
bloc, block
m block
techn. pulley
~ kasowy cash-block
~ mieszkalny bryt.~block of flats, am.~apartment house
block; bloc
m block, compound pulley
apartment block