(Noun) historia bej;
(the governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire)
bej, beg
tur. bej
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9.38pm: An interesting tweet from Ben Mabey of the Guardian Fans' Network, who says: "Interesting rumours that #jpn players have rounded on Okada's tactics and that the boss could even quit during #worldcup with a loss to #cmr ... Just rumours, of course, and they might well be mischievous exaggerations by sections of the press who've never liked Okada much." Obligatory plug: you can see the latest tweets from the Fans' Network down the right-hand side of all our stories or by clicking on our snazzy interactive graphic.
Brown was caught between lines of baton-wielding police attempting to push the crowd back. Many at the front, including Brown, from Glasgow, were unable to obey the police orders as the agitated crowd behind them tried to surge forward. Many were struck with batons.
Racing For Change have said they would investigate the possibility of moving the Derby to a Friday. Would this automatically revitalise the race? "I'm not convinced it's that simple. I don't know the answer myself. We had a problem this year with a hyped-up horse, St Nicholas Abbey [trained by Aidan O'Brien]. Of course the press said he could be the successor to Sea The Stars [last year's magnificent multiple winner] because sometimes truly great horses come in twos."
St Nicholas Abbey finished a dismal sixth in last month's 2,000 Guineas, then suffered a slight injury and he was withdrawn from the Derby. "Because the embryo champion didn't turn up," Stoute smiles thinly, "people might have thought the Derby was anticlimactic."
Arbey Delgado was also freed, a soldier held since an August 1998 rebel attack on an anti-drug outpost in the southern jungle town of Miraflores.
The criticism from Human Rights Watch came after Abbey Chikane, a monitor for the initiative set up to halt the trade in "blood diamonds" â?? rough diamonds that fuel conflicts â?? said Zimbabwe was "on track" to meet international diamond mining standards.
Bath's vegetarian scene revolves around two distinct poles, the Porter and Demuth's (2 North Parade Passage, off Abbey Green, +44 (0)1225 446059; demuths.co.uk). Rachel Demuth's restaurant offers the more sophisticated experience, but with even lunchtime mains - say, an elaborately-pimped plate of lemon and herb aracini - coming in at just under Â?10, it hovers on the outer reaches of this feature's remit. It's only really Demuth's breakfasts and snacks - perhaps a warm cheese scone or piece of lemon polenta cake (with tea/coffee, Â?3.95) - that could be described as "affordable". The Porter is a much earthier experience. About as close as Bath gets to grungy, this iconic vegetarian pub and live music venue has been feeding a boho crowd for years. You can munch on stuff like hummus and garden salad rolls; a mixed bean and lentil chilli; or artichoke and sweet pepper pizza. The only danger is lingering too long. All dark woods, drowsy blues rock and laidback good vibes, it's the kind of place where you can easily pop-in for a snack and end-up in a long, boozy session.
It's midday in Westminster Abbey and a robed priest is presiding at communion â?? holding the chalice aloft, bowing before it. It's a small congregation, just five or six tourists, but high-church ritual is still meticulously observed. In this 1,000-year-old building, tradition is the stock-in-trade.
He and others might take as their night-time read Peter Matthiessen's classic The Snow Leopard (newly reissued by Vintage, with an introduction by Richard Mabey) to remind themselves how man can be liberated from himself in other ways. After the death of his wife in 1978, Matthiessen joined his explorer friend, George Schaller, on a trip to the Crystal Mountain in Nepal, in search of the elusive snow leopard and of some way forward for his interrupted life. To say that this is a gripping and awesome journey is to sell short the whole magnificent and complex endeavour. As Mabey writes, Matthiessen did want to glimpse the leopard, but he was also "desperate for it to remain invisible, secretly itself, untouched by his cravings".
This was in the late 70s and early 80s when SodaStreams suddenly gained such mass appeal that virtually every child in the country coveted one. (When the machine was first invented by Gus Gilbey in 1903 only the wealthiest could afford them. A commercial version for shopkeepers didn't become available until the 1930s, and not until the 1950s did a smaller version for home use come out.) Everybody knew who had a SodaStream and for a while the world seemed divided into those who had one and those who didn't. Then just as suddenly, they faded from view again.
Müslüm Bey, we ask the questions here and you respond.
Müslüm Bey, my tutaj zadajemy pytania, a ty odpowiadasz.
Just bey ond the farm is the road to Lens.
Tuż za farmą jest droga na Lens.
Battal Bey got her age changed to a year older and then married her.
Battal Bey zmienił jej wiek na rok starszą, a potem poślubił ją.
Let your hands bey our lover's hands on your own skin as you move.
Niech twoje ręce będą rękoma kochanka na twojej skórze, gdy się poruszasz.
Kerim Bey sent a car for you, sir.
Kerim Beyprzysłał po pana samochód.
We know that you were with Ardath Bey.
Wiemy, że byłaś z Ardathem Beyem.
My interview with Mr. Bey has been incredibly stimulating.
Mój wywiad z panem Bey był niezwykle stymulujący.
Kerim Bey had many influential friends.
Kerim Bey miał wielu wpływowych przyjaciół.
We came to see Battal Bey.
Przyjechaliśmy, zobaczyć się z Battalem Bey'em.
Battal Bey abused our poverty.
Battal Bey wykorzystał nasze ubóstwo.
Battal Bey has strict orders.
Battal Bey wydał bardzo surowe wytyczne.
It's Battal Bey's daughter, right?
To córka Battal Bey'a, prawda?
Then, Ardath Bey, au revoir.
Zatem, Ardathu Bey, au revoir.