(Noun) stan Alaska;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Already, around the Arctic Circle -- this is a famous village in Alaska.
Już wokół północnego kręgu podbiegunowego - to słynna wioska na Alasce.
It makes no difference if we cut out the bridges to Alaska in the overall scheme of things.
I nie będzie różnicy w ogólnym rozrachunku, jeśli zlikwidujemy mosty do Alaski.
Already in some shallow lakes in Alaska, methane is actively bubbling up out of the water.
Już teraz w niektórych płytkich jeziorach na Alasce pęcherzyki metanu wydobywają się z wody.
Here's what Columbia's done. ~~~ This is in south central Alaska.
Oto co stało się z lodowcem Columbia, w południowo-centralnej Alasce.
So, this huge floating ice shelf the size of Alaska comes from West Antarctica.
Ten wielki pływający lodowiec szelfowy wielkości Alaski, znajduje się w Antarktydzie Zachodniej.
Hayward has spent all his working life at BP and rose to become head of exploration under Browne. He was seen as a back-to-basics operator by the City who loved Browne's swashbuckling style until the share price began to suffer after the Texas City fire, a pipeline spill in Alaska and a propylene trading scandal.
It was the third whale incident involving a Princess Cruises ship since 2001. Last year, the same ship was discovered to have a dead fin whale â?? which like humpbacks, are classified as endangered â?? pinned to its bow when it returned to Vancouver from an Alaska voyage.
In 2007, the company paid $750,000 (Â?480,000) to settle a criminal charge related to a dead whale found just outside Glacier Bay, Alaska in 2001.
Rick Steiner, a former University of Alaska marine biologist, suggested that the White House had been too eager to try to put the oil spill behind it, with Democrats in Congress facing tough election fights in November.
The father of Sarah Palin's grandchild submitted a letter of intent with the Alaska Public Offices Commission on Friday â?? the first step needed to begin campaigning.
Miller emerged as the surprise winner in last week's Alaska primary race, but only by a small margin: 51% to 49%. With absentee ballots still to be counted, there was an outside chance that Murkowski might recover.
She has been making appearances at high-profile events such as a conservative rally in Washington last month with the popular conservative television commentator Glenn Beck, and again with him in Alaska at a 9/11 rally on Saturday. She has a documentary on Alaska airing nationwide in the autumn and her second book, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag, is scheduled for publication at the end of the year.
Rise to fame She gained national and international recognition in August 2008 when John McCain surprisingly chose her has his running mate in the White House race, a role for which she was unready. Her lack of knowledge of domestic politics and international affairs was cruelly exposed by the media. She resigned as governor of Alaska in 2009 and has since concentrated on writing books, being a Fox News commentator and making profitable speeches. Later this year, she is to star in a documentary called Sarah Palin's Alaska.
News of Stewart's rally came at the end of an extraordinary week. It began with a narrowly avoided Qur'an-burning on the anniversary of the 11 September terrorist attacks and ended with former Alaska governor and rightwing darling Sarah Palin stoking suspicions that she will run for the White House in 2012.
Oil has not leaked into the sea from the well since BP engineers sealed it on 15 July with a cap. The well had gushed more than 16 times as much as the 257,000 barrels of oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska in 1989.
Alaska is not a place to run away from the world.
Alaska nie jest miejscem do, którego się ucieka od świata.
I've got to start thinking about getting ready for Alaska.
Muszę zacząć myśleć o przygotowaniach do Alaski.
They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago.
Przeprowadzili się tutaj z Alaski jakieś kilka lat temu.
How are we supposed to get to Alaska without any money?
Jak mamy dostać się na Alaskę bez żadnych pieniędzy?!
Alaska, we've never met, but everyone thinks I'm your best friend.
Alaska, nie znamy sie, ale wszyscy myślą, że jesteś moja najlepsza przyjaciółą.
And you got traffic violations in 6 other states from here to Alaska.
Macie na koncie wykroczenia drogowe w sześciu stanach, stąd do Alaski.
Here in Alaska, you don't always go with the weather forecast.
Tu, na Alasce nie zawsze polegamy na prognozie pogody.
Even up here in Alaska, we're turning our back on the beast.
Nawet tu na Alasce, odwracamy się plecami do bestii.
No, he's fishing in Alaska till the end of the season.
Będzie wędkował na Alasce do końca sezonu.
In Alaska, there's a god who guides lost people to this mountain.
Na Alasce, jest bóg, który prowadzi zmarłych ludzi na tą górę. .
I want to go the university and to Alaska.
Chcę iść uniwersytet i na Alaskę.
I so don't want to go back to Alaska.
Nie chcę wracać do Alaski.
That burial chamber in Alaska wasn't opened up until 1970.
Ta komora pogrzebowa na Alasce została otwarta dopiero w 1970.
We have about 35,000 brown grizzly bears here in Alaska.
Na Alasce mamy około 35,000 niedźwiedzi grizzly.
Merve went away on a field trip to Alaska for six months.
Merve pojechał w plener na Alaskę na sześć miesięcy.
Your trouble began with that other woman in Alaska.
Twoje problemy zaczęły się od tej kobiety z Alaski.
You're on another of the escape pods from the Alaska, right?
Jesteś w innej kapsule z Alaski, tak?
Because we're not driving to Alaska while that helicopter intact.
Ponieważ nie jedziemy na Alaskę. Chcę ten helikopter w całości.
You the crazy chick from Alaska who tried to kill my uncle?
Jesteś tą wariatką z Alaski, która chciała zabić mojego wujka?
They're calling guy s back from Alaska for this.
Oni oddzwaniaj? do faceta s z Alaski dla tego.
Ron, could we talk about this when I get back from Alaska?
Możemy porozmawiać o tym, kiedy wrócę z Alaski?
Thought you were on a fishing boat in Alaska.
Myślałam, że jesteś na łodzi rybackiej w Alasce.
Alaska. A place where you can't be too fat or too drunk.
Miejsce gdzie nie jest się ani za gruby, ani zbyt pijany.
How do you feel about working in Alaska?
A jak ty byś się czuł pracując na alasce?
It's the most treacherous race in all of Alaska.
To najbardziej zdradliwy wyścig całej Alaski.
Are all the men in Alaska like you?
Czy wszyscy mężczyźni na Alasce są jak ty?
I'il write to you when we get to Alaska.
Napiszę do ciebie z Alaski.
Hey, look there's a baked Alaska from last night.
Patrzcie. Baked Alaska z wczorajszego wieczoru.
They worked a carny up in Alaska last year.
Pracowałem z nimi na karnawale na Alasce zeszłego roku.
My dad's an accountant, and my mom is the former governor of Alaska.
Tata jest księgowym, a mama byłą gubernator Alaski.
We stay as we are or we travel to Alaska.
Zostajemy tu gdzie jesteśmy, albo jedziemy na Alaskę.
I am thinking about Alaska, for example.
Myślę tu na przykład o Alasce.
But now all I'm focused on is just Alaska.
Ale teraz wszystko na czym się skupiam to Alaska.
But people around here, I mean, This is Alaska, man.
Ale ludzie tutaj, to jest Alaska.
Wow, they pay people to live in Alaska.
Hej, przecież płacą ludziom za to, żeby mieszkali na Alasce.
She didn't even know who alaska nebraska was.
Przecież nie wiedziała nawet, kim jest Alaska Nebraska.
Imagine we're somewhere in Alaska and a huge oil tanker runs aground.
Wyobraźmy sobie, że jesteśmy gdzieś na Alasce... Olbrzymi tankowiec wpływa na mieliznę...
And the fker's parents are taking him to Alaska in August.
A rodzice skurwiela zabierają go w sierpniu na Alaskę.
Then I've got to catch my flight to Alaska.
Potem mam samolot na Alaskę. - Nie ma problemu.
In fact, he became an international celebrity, travelling from Alaska to Australia.
Stał się międzynarodową gwiazdą, podróżował od Alaski po Australię.
I live in alaska and date a pastor.
Mieszkam na Alasce i umawiam się z pastorem.
My boy loves Alaska so much, he's applauding it.
Mój syn tak bardzo kocha Alaskę, że ją oklaskuje.
This has been to Alaska many times.
Był na Alasce wiele razy.
I used to picture myself in Alaska.
Zawsze wyobrażałam sobie siebie na Alasce.
We have branches in all states, also in Alaska and Hawaii.
Mamy oddziały we wszystkich stanach, również na Alasce i Hawajach.
So she said you've been to Alaska?
Mówiła, że podobno byłeś na Alasce?
They're broadcasting from some town in Alaska No infection.
Oni wysyłali go z jakiegoś miasta na Alasce.
Alaska is further north than Stockholm, isn't it?
Alaska jest bardziej na północ niż Sztokholm, prawda?
When the fire hits the reservoir, they're gonna hear it in alaska.
Gdy ogień uderzy w rezerwy, usłyszą to na Alasce.
My old man prospected for gold in Alaska.
Mój staruszek zarabiał na złocie na Alasce.