(Noun) Aaron;
im. Aaron
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10.00am: This from Kevin McCarra in Rustenburg: "I notice the Daily Mirror are suggesting that Shaun Wright-Phillips will start against USA instead of Aaron Lennon. The tone of the prediction is tentative and no wonder. We journos must have a perfect record in failing to get Fabio Capello's line-ups 100% correct. It's a big culture change because it was simple to find out who would play when Sven or Steve McClaren were in charge.Aaron Lennon and Rooney briefly threatened in the second half, though when the former's pass produced a clear chance for Heskey, he all too predictably shot straight at the goalkeeper. Suddenly England were looking at the worst of all worlds and were distinctly lucky to survive when Altidore saw a shot pushed on to a post after his pace had exposed Carragher. The defender would have been dismissed had he fouled his man and was relieved to see Green make a decent save. When Rooney failed to climb high enough to reach Gerrard's promising cross England must have felt it was not going to be their day, the more so when Wright-Phillips then Rooney hit shots straight at Howard. Shooting at the goalkeeper is a policy that only ever seems to pay off for England's opponents.The National Union of Students agrees. Aaron Porter, its president-elect, says universities still need to do more to ensure a high-quality service, before asking for higher tuition fees.Lawyers representing 25 of the 93 victims, including 24 children, are taking legal action for alleged negligence by the farm, and are claiming substantial damages. The lawsuit includes twins Aaron and Todd Mock, who recently turned three, who both suffered kidney failure.Though Labour's electoral college allows one member one vote, this union's recommendation in the 2007 deputy leadership contest saw all of their members follow its pick, Hazel Blears. Aaron Porter, NUS president, said: "We welcome Ed Miliband's recognition that a graduate tax as a progressive alternative to fees, and look forward to discussing the details with him over the coming months."The president of the National Union of Students, Aaron Porter, urged the government to invest in creating jobs and training: "We are concerned that the savage cuts to the public sector will create further unemployment, and will make the lives of graduates tougher in an already difficult jobs market.""We should give the [individual US] states the ability to regulate marijuana just like alcohol," said Aaron Houston, co-director of the campaign. "This is an idea whose time has come."The National Union of Students urged teenagers not to panic. "There are still a lot of training, volunteering, and work opportunities out there," Aaron Porter, NUS president said. "Talking to a service like Connexions will help you decide what option is right for you."Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students, said: "University should be for all those with the potential to take advantage of the opportunities it presents, not just those whose parents have been able to afford the education and extracurricular activities that allow them to rise to the very top.""Vince Cable is right that any changes to the system of higher education funding must make it fairer for students," said Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students.
Do you know who the boy was that had Aaron's things?
Czy wiecie kim był ten chłopiec co miał Aarona rzeczy?
Because when Aaron came back the second time, it wasn't so easy.
Gdy Aaron wrócił po raz drugi, już nie było tak łatwo.
Don't think you're just going to step right back into our lives, Aaron.
Nie myśl sobie, że ot tak wepchniesz się w nasze życie.
Aaron told me you did it before he killed himself.
Aaron powiedział mi, zanim się zabił, że to ty zrobiłeś.
Then one day, Aaron didn't show up to the meeting.
Aż pewnego dnia, Aaron nie przyszedł na spotkanie.
It would be nice to see her and aaron play together. Yeah.
Miło byłoby zobaczyć jak bawi się razem z Aaronem.
I just wanted you to keep my secret from Aaron, not this.
Ja tylko chciałam utrzymać to w tajemnicy przed Aaronem, nie to.
But my Aaron, may he rest in peace, couldn't give me children.
Mój Aron, pokój jego duszy, nie dał mi dzieci.
Oh, Aaron, knowing you is the only good thing that happened to me here.
Znajomošč z tobaąto jedyna dobra rzecz, jaka mnie tu spotkała.
Aaron, I have got a very important assignment for you.
Aaron, mam dla ciebie bardzo ważne zadanie.
Aaron, the oldest son, would like to say a few words about his father.
Najstarszy syn, Aaron, powie teraz kilka slów o ojcu.
Aaron gets in trouble, he calls you. You're the man.
Gdy Aaron ma kłopoty, wzywa ciebie, tak?
And tell her to bring aaron to the long beach marina.
Powiedz jej żeby zabrała Aarona do Long Beach Marina.
Aaron, listen, your job is to keep him sober for the next 30 minutes.
Aaron, słuchaj, ma nic nie brać przez następne 30 minut.
What was it Aaron wrote to curly on that picture?
Co Aaron napisał Curly'emu na tamtym zdjęciu?
Being mentally prepared will help you get through this, Aaron.
Bycie przygotowanym psychicznie pomoże ci przez to przejść, Aaron.
Aaron and I have been together for two years.
Aaron i ja jesteśmy razem od 2 lat.
Aaron, I called you because we have new information you should know about.
Mówi Pierce z Secret Service. Aaron, mamy nowe informacje, o których powinieneś wiedzieć.
Aaron, did you have any reason to dislike the Archbishop?
Aaron, czy miałeś jakieś powody, by nie lubić arcybiskupa?
Aaron has no idea what just happened in there.
Aaron nie ma pojęcia, co się przed chwilą stało.
Why did you run from the police, Aaron, if you didn't do anything wrong?
Dlaczego uciekałeś przed policją, Aaron, jeśli nie zrobiłeś nic złego?
Aaron, when you look at things, you see pictures in your mind.
Aaronie. Kiedy na coś patrzysz, widzisz obrazki w swojej głowie.
Aaron, you must protect this child, as you once need my help.
Aaron, musisz chronić tę dziewczynę. Inaczej moja pomoc nie będzie ci potrzebna.
You know, Charles, Aaron has taken such good care of me.
Wiesz, Charles? Aaron tak wspaniale się mną opiekuje.
But what happened to Aaron was an accident, too.
To prawda, ale to, co zdarzyło się Aaronowi, też było wypadkiem.
I believe that Aaron's sons weren't taking fire into the tent as an offering.
Wierzę, że synowie Aarona chcieli zanieść ogień do namiotu jako ofiarę.
I wanted to leave once, before Ryan and Aaron even.
Też raz chciałem odejść. Jeszcze przed Ryan i Aaronem.
Aaron had been particularly curious about what he'd seen.
Aaron był szczególnie ciekawy tego, co zobaczył.
Aaron Wharton was standing by a pot when you arrived?
Czy Aaron Wharton stał przy kotle jak zjawił się pan na ranczu?
But she knows about aaron, and that's all that matters
Ale wie o Aaronie i tylko to się liczy
I thought you said Aaron wasn't bringing a date.
Myślałam, że mówiłeś, że Aaron nie umawia się na randki.
Oh yeah, how did he help you when you were in jail, Aaron?
Oh tak, a jak on Ci pomógł jak byłeś w więzieniu Aaron?
That would be a question for her boyfriend aaron.
To pytanie do jej chłopaka, Aarona.
Tommy, if you know what happened to Aaron, you have to tell me now.
Tommy, jeśli wiesz, co się stało z Aaronem, musisz mi powiedzieć.
That means no pay. Better get a shirt on, Aaron.
To znaczy żadnych pieniędzy. Włóż koszulę, Aaron.
Aaron, Ryan, could you please come to the study?
Aaron, Ryan. Możecie przyjść do gabinetu?
Maybe the music isn't the only thing that Aaron Gilbert brought to the party.
Może muzyka to nie jedyna rzecz, którą Aaron Gilbert przyniósł na imprezę.
Okay, you're staying with your mom and Aaron tonight.
Niech będzie, zostaniesz na dzisiejszą noc z mamą i Aaronem.
I gave Aaron a home and a daughter.
Dałam Aaronowi dom i córkę.
Aaron... I know how hard it is to make connections.
Aaron, wiem, jak trudno jest nawiązać więzi.
But let me just tell you something about Aaron:
Ale pozwól, że ci coś powiem o Aaronie:
What if the person who wants to take aaron
A co jeżeli osoba, która chce zabrać Aarona
What was on the board behind Aaron's head?
Co było na tablicy za jego głową?
Aaron Samuels was going to be in my house at my party.
Do widzenia. Aaron przyjdzie do mnie na moje przyjęcie.
Aaron... you have to convince her that this is not about us.
Musisz ją przekonać, że tu nie chodzi o nas, tylko o dobro kraju.
I just thought Aaron wasn't one of them.
Myślałam, że Aaron nie jest jednym z nich.
They don't care that we're lying. they just want aaron.
Nie przychodziliby osobiście, nie obchodzi ich, że kłamiemy, po prostu chcą Aarona.
Aaron and the elders are carrying a shrouded body, Grandfather!
Aaron i starsi niosą owinięte w całun ciało, dziadku!
Aaron went to Northwestern, so I still get to see him on weekends.
Aaron przeprowadził się do Northwestern, ale nadal widujemy się w weekendy.